Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Healthcare is an Act of Treason

Today, the Senate began the Reid Healthcare Plan debate for which we have Louisiana Senator Landrieu to thank.

Instead of considering what is best for the nation, Landrieu, blatantly announced that she accepted a three hundred million dollar bribe (not the one hundred million previously reported) and she was not going to feel ashamed for doing so. Considering the rapid decent of the dollar, unemployment in the double digits and Obama’s ‘unprecedented’ aggressiveness to transform America under the dictates of a Global Government, anyone who votes to move the Healthcare Bill forward through the Senate needs to be removed from office and charged with treason.

Notwithstanding the unconstitutional ‘forced coverage’ espoused by a bill that still leaves 25 million uncovered, the threat of being dumped into a government plan by 89.5 million of currently insured Americans, death panels, medical care rationing and the uniform, historical failure of anything under government control, the costs to the American Taxpayer for the government healthcare takeover are exorbitant.

The terms billion and trillion are being bandied about as if they were fifty and hundred dollar bills. Spending is surpassing the amount of money collected and Obama’s administration is printing money like mad, yet still spending more. Consider the sheer magnitude of the numbers:

There are 100 billion stars in the Milky Way Galaxy.

If $1.00 equals one star, the current deficit of the United States is 120 times the size of the Milky Way.

The projected cost of the House Healthcare plan that was passed November 7th, equals 10.2 times the size of the Milky Way.

If the Senate Healthcare plan goes through, the bill’s cost will equal 10.3 times the size of the Milky Way once the most expensive portion of the bill takes effect in July 2013.

Obama was quoted as saying that uncontrollable spending and increases to the deficit are not sustainable, yet at the time of his quote (May 2009), he, alone, was responsible for increasing the deficit equaling to 18.4 times the size of the Milky Way.

So why are the Democrats pursuing such an unsustainable expenditure at the dictates of the Obama White House, despite the extremely loud voice of ‘The People’ against it and after confirming such acts are unsustainable? One thing that is known for sure, it is not for the benefit of ‘The People’.

TREASON is defined as “the betrayal of a trust” or “the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government…to which the offender owes allegiance….” Therefore, anyone who pursues the destruction of America and betrays the trust of the American People by continuing the approval of and passing of legislation that will increase an unsustainable debt, knowingly and without regard to the economic damage to the country, can only be considered to be treasonous and the individual(s) should be dealt with accordingly.

Examiner - Galveston

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