Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Code Red Rally Tuesday 1:30pm Dec 15th US Capitol

Join Laura Ingraham in Washington DC on December 15h

It's time we all stop pretending that what is happening with this Obamacare debate is about "helping the uninsured" or "fixing the healthcare system" or "giving the people what they want." It's about none of those things. Its about amassing as much power in a central government as humanly possible. It's about wealth redistribution. It's social engineering at its absolute worst.

The American people must take this political system back from those who have hijacked it in one of the most abhorrent power grabs that we the voters have ever seen. It's the holiday season so the Democrats are counting on you to be otherwise occupied and too busy to stand against their massive expansion of government. Let them underestimate us again just as they did last summer. Let these unrepresentative politicians proceed with their legislative chicanery and self-righteous grandstanding. We can expose them and confront them in the classic American spirit--a public gathering on their doorstep. On December 15th at 1:30pm, we will remind Pelosi, Reid, Schumer et al. that they work for us and not the other way around. We will demand that they follow the will of the people, not dismiss and degrade it by putting future generations into a deficit dungeon. We will put every politician who supports this travesty on notice: enjoy your remaining time in the U.S. Capitol because we're coming for your seat.

The American people will not forget those who turned their backs on us and voted for a bill that they hadn't read and which will do nothing but ensure that one of the best healthcare systems in the world is compromised.

In the meantime keep calling, faxing and emailing the Senate:

Starting with the 17 fence sitting senators on this bill and tell them VOTE NO… or you will go, no matter what the amendments they add to this bill to falsify the real goals of the bill and program!! All clear thinking Americans realize that if anything is this secretive and one sided… it has to be bad!!


(Earlier today they came to a possible compromise… the compromise includes (temporarily doing away with the public option). Instead they will enlarge Medicare, after they already cut a lot of the basic services, to include a lot more people, with a provision that if this does not work… a public option will kick in. And Obama is ready to start transferring all medical records from paper to a central government controlled database which will eventually include all your financial records and give government access to all that info… which they then want to implant on an RFID chip to be implanted under your skin. Provisions for the “overseer and head of the death panel “has already been passed as part of a previous bill in anticipation that this bill would pass and that Americans would rollover!

17 Senators
Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) 202-224-4843, Fax: (202) 228-1371
Sen. Evan Bayh (D-IN) 202-224-5623
Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-ND) 202-224-2551
Sen. Michael Bennett (D-CO) 202-224-5852
Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) 202-224-4041, Fax: (202) 224-9750
Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) 202-224-5824
Sen. Ben Nelson (D-NE) 202-224-6551, Fax: (202) 228-0012
Sen. Kent Conrad (D-ND) 202-224-2043
Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) 202-224-6154
Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL) 202-224-5274
Sen. John Tester (D-MT) 202-224-2644
Sen. Mark Begich (D-AK) 202-224-3004
Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) 202-224-2023
Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA) 202-224-6324
Sen. Jim Webb (D-VA) 202-224-4024

and Republican:

Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-ME),((202)224-5344, Fax: (202) 224-1946

Info for all Senators (from your State) etc.

Stand Up Straight and Listen to Your Mother – Written in Prison by Robert F. Creamer, author of the ObamaCare Bill

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