Thursday, March 5, 2009

Yogurt...A Tangy Treat That’s Good for Your Bladder

Here’s a diet "do" that may help keep your bladder cancer-free. Start your day with some yogurt. Later, have some more for a snack. 

Compared with their peers who never ate yogurt, people in a study who ate two or more servings daily had almost a 40 percent lower risk of bladder cancer. Talk about an antiager! 

Lactic Acid in Action

Cultured milk products like yogurt contain something that other dairy items lack: lactic acid bacteria. Just how the bacteria helps stave off bladder cancer isn’t clear, but the fact that it does have an immune-boosting reputation is one possibility.  

(Can too much yogurt be a bad thing?  As long as it’s low-fat, yogurt is an excellent package of calcium, protein, and carbs. So we’re not concerned with the amount you’re eating. But we are a little worried about the flavoring. Some of the most popular brands of flavored yogurt contain high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), a commercial sweetener that has two bad habits: It inhibits a hormone (leptin) that tries to tell you when you’re full. And some studies indicate it never shuts off another hormone (ghrelin) that insists you’re hungry -- so even after you’ve scraped the container clean, you may still think you want more. Better: Add your own fruit to plain (no sugar added) low-fat yogurt. Delish)

Dairy That Really Does Your Body Good
Along with keeping bladder cancer at bay, yogurt has been shown to lower the risk of liver cancer, defend against gum disease, and -- when coupled with fiber-rich foods -- ease gas and bloating. So keep the yogurt coming wth these recipe ideas:

§             Turn it into a drink. Try this Apricot Smoothie.

Apricot Smoothie
Canned or Fresh Apricots
1 cup canned apricot halves in light syrup
6 ice cubes
1 cup nonfat plain yogurt
3 tablespoons sugar
1. Blend apricot halves, ice cubes, yogurt and sugar in a blender until frothy

§             Use it to make healthier blue cheese dressing. 

§             Have it for dessert. 

§             Plop some on your soup -- .

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