Sunday, August 21, 2011

RFID Implant Law Hidden in Obummercare Implementation 2013

Just another reminder of one of those… ‘you gotta pass the ObamaCare Bill to find out what’s in it surprises’.  Thanks Pelosi, Reid and Obama!! It has been in all the versions of the bill… Implementation is just getting closer now if we don’t repeal and replace ObamaCare!!

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Another Hidden Secret in Obamacare: RFID Chip Implants

RFID technology is superb for inanimate objects like store inventory and shipping containers. That is not the issue. Inserting RFID chips into living human beings is insane, and should be outlawed. It is a documented fact that the chips cause bleeding oozing sores, tumors, and cancerous growths. Further, the use of RFID chip technology in living human beings is the ultimate breach of personal privacy and constitutes a heinous disregard for public health, safety, the sanctity of personal privacy and civil rights, including the freedom to move about in life without being surreptitiously surveiled.

The mere fact that I should even need to write blog posts about this issue indicates a level of approaching spiritual depravity in our culture that is horrific. The fact that there is now a more or less complete absence of public outrage over laws tacitly written into Obamacare [ using "stealth legislation" techniques ] which mandate RFID technology to be used in people, indicates that the moral compass within our elected leaders may be spinning out of control.
If the American people do not immediately begin expressing their outrage and refusal to be “RFID chipped” like barnyard animals then that is exactly what you can expect to happen by the Spring of 2013. Speak out against RFID chipping people, for your own sake, for your children’s sake, for America’s sake for God’s sake. Do it now before it is too late.

Chase Kyla Hunter


There are presently at least 64 articles and reports on Alternative News Forum pertaining to RFID Chips.

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