Sunday, February 20, 2011

Vaccines ARE Germ Warfare

Vaccines ARE Part of the Dumbing Down of America

There is a vaccine for just about everything now. From the common vaccines issued during early and mid childhood, to the flu vaccines issues to adults. There are even vaccines now for HPV(Guardasil) and HIV/AIDS, and there are more and more being thought up and created everyday by the CDC/FDA think tank.

A lot of the ‘diseases’ that vaccines have been issued are in reality not diseases, but non-life threatening illnesses that can be cured with a proper diet, Vitamin D, and medicinal herbs. Many of the health conditions that we consider to be diseases, have been made so ONLY through the workings of the AMA, CDC, and FDA think tanks; So that vaccines and other dangerous pharmaceuticals can be created and marketed for the profit of Big Pharma.

We have been brainwashed to believe that we need a weakened form of a virus to prevent us from catching another virus—which is not true. Ask yourself the question: when you were vaccinated during childhood, which came first–the vaccine, or the chicken pox….I think most will answer the vaccine.

There is no definite proof that a weakened( live) virus can prevent one from becoming ill. Just about in all cases, even going back to some of the first issuing of mandatory vaccinations in Victorian England, the population was healthy pre-vaccine and became ill AFTER the vaccines were issued. The worst part of the scenario is that majority of the world’s ‘first’ and ‘second’ world populations are in a health crisis, all while after being vaccinated, yet very few seem to make the connection.

The truth is Vaccines, all made possible thanks to Edward Jenner, compromise our immune system for the duration of our lives after they are issued. Many of us who suffer from allergies, frequent colds, arthritis, etc do so because of vaccinations.

If more people knew the deadly cocktail that went into vaccines, more would protest them. Mercury, Formaldehyde, Squalene, Chick Embryonic Fluid, Aborted Fetal Tissue, are just a few of the ingredients of the macabre concoction that make up vaccines.

Vaccines have been proven time and time again to cause many of the childhood illnesses that many children suffer from which in some circumstances cause death. They have even been used as a means to cause sterilization and unwanted abortions in women in places such as Africa, Asia, and South America. And Autism has been proven beyond the shadow of a doubt to be caused by vaccines.

One thing that can be determined is that vaccines are indeed germ warfare. They took over where the smallpox blankets left, but were used against all peoples. If we learn to take back control of our health and rely on our bodies, a positive diet, natural herbs, and vitamin D; our children and ourselves will be in much better health.


Since there are those who out there who still believe that those who reject vaccinations are mentally ill and would like to challenge whether or not they are safe, here are some books and articles from various websites that give more than enough evidence that vaccines cause damage instead of preventing it. And since we still need validation from ’experts’ and ‘professionals’   a lot of the commentary is from them.

The Medical Mafia

Vaccination Myths

Historical Facts About The Dangers Of Vaccines

Anti Vaccine Doctors (Most important one)

National Vaccine Information Center(Very Important)

CDC: Vaccine Components(Even admits parents should consult physicians before vaccine is administered)

Government Admits Vaccines Contribute To Autism

Military & Biodefense Vaccine Project

Babies Die Within Hours After Being Vaccinated

Leonard Horowitz

Bill Gates: Vaccines For Depopulation

h/t to  Kateri originally posted on Oct 7th 2010 at USAHitman

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