Tuesday, January 11, 2011

HHS Recommends Lower Fluoride Levels in Drinking Water

This is news that normally would find those in the know jumping up and down for joy.  But as we are living in times where you constantly need to be questioning everything and always watching the other hand, we need to be asking ourselves why?!?

By William Kearney

January 10, 2011 - The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced a federal proposal to reduce the recommended level of fluoride in drinking water to prevent a discoloration and pitting of the teeth known as dental fluorosis. The proposal is based in part on EPA assessments that were prompted by a 2006 National Research Council report, which recommended that EPA reconsider its fluoride standards to take into account health effects such as dental fluorosis and consider all sources, including toothpaste and mouthwash, of fluoride exposure.

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How to Detox Fluorides From Your Body

Dumbing Down Society Part 1:  Foods, Beverages and Meds

Fluoride TRUTH hits the TV in Australia – video

Food:The Ultimate Secret Exposed – Videos

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One of the side affects of fluoride is making people docile.  It was used by Stalin and Hitler to control the masses.  So why would the HHS reduce the fluoride in the water now; something that those in the know have been lobbying for, for years, to deaf ears and no avail?  Watch the other hand… just as many progressives in power are calling for revolution, clear out of the blue HHS decides to lower the levels of fluoride?!?  It is almost as if they want to incite unrest?

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