Monday, August 23, 2010

Your Government Is Not Looking Out For You… Quite the Contrary


Food Fascism on the Horizon?

By Andrew Ward

Here’s the latest on the so-called Food Safety bill from the National Independent Consumers and Farmers Association (NICFA):

Senate Bill 510 has grown to 225 pages with a complete substitute, and it appears to be even more objectionable to advocates of small farms and nutrient dense farm products. While we have not had time to fully dissect the legislation, it should be noted that S510 still: removes judicial overview on the secretary’s ruling, replaces “credible evidence” with “reason to believe,” grants blanket authority for the agencies to write rules and regulations on domestic production that will dangerously harmonize with international standards. It also specifically brings dairy farms under further regulatory authority and thereby endangers the fresh milk movement.

Those who have opposed this bill should continue to oppose it.

There is no reason to compromise on this bill. The FDA and USDA still have more than ample authority to protect the anonymous food supply, yet they are not doing so. Instead they are raiding food buying clubs, and raw milk farms, and declaring that citizens have no right to bodily health or any particular food for themselves or their children.

In short, you better keep an eye out for this one.  Food is where the rubber meets the road.  We’ll keep you posted.


You got duped by government into believing that you were doomed unless you got a virus shot

So let’s start with the con that was the H1N1 virus.  You got duped by government into believing that you were doomed unless you got a virus shot and the companies that manufactured the vaccine got obscenely rich off of your money.  Meanwhile, the peddlers of this fraud (government) sat back in their easy chairs and stroked their egos with how brilliant they were in catching the epidemic before it wiped out all human life on the planet.  What a crock!

Remember when Margaret Chan, director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO), said at an April 29, 2009 emergency meeting in Geneva “It really is all of humanity that is under threat?”  Really!  WHO then raised the virus threat level to six, the highest level on their “scare” chart.  What was the outcome from all this H1N1 virus non-sense?  Slightly more severe than a normal flu season.  God how governments love emergencies, real, imagined or manufactured

Read full article:  H1N1+M-C G-W+Obama Care vs. Truth

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