Friday, May 29, 2009

How To Win The Battle Over Cholesterol

Back a few years ago, some cracks started forming in the giant shield wielded against cholesterol, which we were told was our mortal enemy, and had to be stopped at any cost. Just to give you an idea of how big that shield is, let me tell you that anti- cholesterol agents, or statins, bring in around 20+ billion dollars a year. Two examples of those type of drugs are Lipitor, or Crestor. There are many others, and 16 miilion Americans now take statins.

The drug companies would like to see that number go up to around 34 million, and one of the ways they are pushing to do that is by making fat kids take cholesterol medication. They have other ideas too, but this one is way out of line.

Here's an example of a typical anti-cholesterol campaign, which was adopted by the American Heart Association, the American Medical Association, and the Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute:

"If you eat fat rich, cholesterol rich foods, like beef, butter, and egg yolks, you're digging your own forkful at a time."

Now let's give kudos to the copywriter who came up with that slogan. He or she did their job extremely well. And the ill informed media told this story over and over and over for decades. The only problem just wasn't true.

A number of recently published books demonstrate clearly that the scientific evidence for these claims has never been particularly convincing.

The advice that we have been spoon fed over the years, that cutting out all foods high in saturated fat and cholesterol (and embracing no fat, low fat diet foods), has actually made our heart disease problem worse.

An endocrinologist and endowed professor of lipid research at the University of Washington in Seattle, Dr. Robert Knopp, says this: "Cholesterol in the diet is a minor player in heart disease."

Bring on the bacon! (Just kidding!)

Dr. Mark Hyman, the Medical Director of the UltraWellness Center in Lennox, Massachusetts, and a well known author of several books, says out loud what I have said to a small audience for years, "Cholesterol is not the real enemy...
inflammation is."

And the underlying cause of inflammation is not dietary cholesterol or saturated fats, but trans fats, sugar, refined carbohydrates and a sedentary lifestyle, or by the presence of an infection, or other irritation in the body.

So whaddaya do?

Eat less sugar and flour.

Eat more vegetables, fruits, and whole foods, easy on the red meat.

Prioritize quality fats over junk fats.

Make a friend of fiber.

Get off your kiester.

Use a proven Omega Oil inflammation fighter.

And when your doctor says you need to take a cholesterol lowering drug, ask him, or her, to explain exactly why you need it. Make sure they tell both sides of the story, and ask whether he, or she, would take it themselves. Many doctors won't take statins themselves. There has to be a reason why.

Dr. Bill - nom de guerre of William Thomas Stillwell, M.D., FACS, FICS, FAAOS, FAANAOS, FAAPGS

Posted: Ask Marion - True Health Is True Wealth

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