Wednesday, December 3, 2008


"Only 3 People out of  100 Get Enough of This  Life-Critical Nutrient"

Here's How You'll Beat Those Odds ...

Each and every cell in your body calls out for this unique nutrient ...

You see, it's responsible for the production of all of your body's hormones. You also need it for your immune system to work properly.

With insufficient amounts, you could end up with cancer, multiple sclerosis, or a host of other diseases.

Your government tells you not to worry ... they say you get an adequate supply of it in your diet, because of a policy they instituted in the 1920's.

But do you?

Consider this — over the last 30 years, body levels of this life-saving nutrient have dropped by nearly 50% in the United States — despitethe government's best efforts.

And our new Newsmax medical editor, Dr. David Brownstein, has tested over 4,000 patients in his clinic. His findings have been shocking — 96.5% tested low for this critical substance.

This nutrient is the missing link to your good health. Yet it's something you probably never give a thought to.

It's the most misunderstood nutrient out there ...

It's iodine.

Much More Than a Thyroid Helper

For over a century, iodine has been hailed as the element necessary for your thyroid hormone production. And clearly, that's crucial.

However, there's so much more to iodine. Without enough iodine, balancing your hormonal or endocrine system becomes impossible.

Perhaps you're wondering how I know all this. Well, I've been listening to Dr. David Brownstein, the medical editor of our newest Newsmax publication.

You'll see more about this remarkable physician in a minute, and why he wants you to have not only a free copy of his 'tell-all' book about iodine, but also two more of his other popular health books as well — all free.

But first, let's get back to iodine. Dr. Brownstein will tell you that adequate iodine is necessary for your immune system to function properly. And it's proven effective for treating fatigue, headaches, high blood pressure, liver disease, fibrocystic breasts and ovarian cysts, just to name a few things.

Iodine also contains potent antibacterial, antiparasitic, antiviral, and even anticancer properties.

Iodine: The Anticancer Agent

Iodine contains many cancer-fighting and cancer-preventing properties.

For one thing, iodine has been shown to cause apoptosis (or cell death) in breast and thyroid cancer cells.

Plus, iodine functions as both a strong antioxidant as well as an oxidant in the body. This dual effect makes it a strong anticancer agent.

That's because one of the best signs of health in your body is a balance between antioxidants and oxidants. Compounds like iodine can help maintain that balance and that makes it one of the most powerful anti-cancer agents known.

Dr. Brownstein has also noticed clinically that iodine can cause tumors to shrink and die from the center out. He's found similar results with nodules and cysts in the thyroid, ovaries, and uterus after instituting supplementation with iodine.

Special 2008 Health Update

by Christopher Ruddy, Newsmax CEO

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