Friday, December 31, 2010

Texting and Your Health…

Senior Texting Words

Since more and more Seniors are texting and tweeting, there appears to be a real need for an STC (Senior Texting Code)..!

ATD:.........At The Doctor's
BTW:........Bring The Wheelchair
BYOT:.......Bring Your Own Teeth
CBM:..........Covered By Medicare
CUATSC:.See You At The Senior Center
DWI:.........Driving While Incontinent
FWB:.........Friend With Beta Blockers
FWIW:.....Forgot Where I Was
FYI:............Found Your Insulin
GGPBL:......Gotta Go, Pacemaker Battery Low!
GHA:..........Got Heartburn Again
IMHO:.......Is My Hearing-Aid On?
LMDO:.......Laughing My Dentures Out
LOL:............Living On Lipitor
OMMR:......On My Massage Recliner
OMSG:.......Oh My! Sorry, Gas.
ROFL/CGU:...Rolling On The Floor Laughing/Can't Get Up
SGGP:..........Sorry, Gotta Go Poop
TTYL:..........Talk To You Louder
WAITT:......Who Am I Talking To?
WTFA:.........Wet The Furniture Again
WTP:.............Where's The Prunes?
WWNO:......Walker Wheels Need Oil
GGLKI:.........Gotta Go, Laxative Kicking In

NTWD:  No texting while driving!

However… Please no texting while driving… especially for us Seniors and teens!!

The AT&T documentary, "The Last Text," is about 11 minutes long. View the entire video below HERE


St. Louis, MO (KPLR)-- Each year, as New Year's eve approaches, we hear warnings about drinking and driving. This year comes an additional warning: don't text and drive.

AT&T has produced a documentary focusing on Missouri teens killed while texting behind the wheel. The documentary features a young woman from Grain Valley, Missouri who points to a picture and says, "This is my sister. She was looking at my message that I just sent her. "

The teenager died after she over-corrected while driving on a Kansas highway last year. Her truck flipped over. Police say she was texting while driving.

Her guilt ridden sister weeps as she says, "People will tell you over and over again its not your fault, but knowing you were the person she was talking to when she was killed, just having a highway patrol officer write in a report that a text message sent at 12:05 is the reason that she is dead is not something that will ever go away."

The documentary is called "The Last Text." A Missouri highway patrol trooper is interviewed about another horrific accident in Neosho last year. When he arrived at the scene he saw a pair of shoes in a pool of blood and knew it was a young girl.

18- year-old Mariah West was killed in the accident. The trooper looked inside the car. "And at that point is when I noticed her cap and gown was still in her car. She was going to graduate the next day." He chokes up, shakes his head and says, "all because of a senseless text message. It’s just sad, sorry, it’s just sad."

The AT&T documentary, "The Last Text," is about 11 minutes long. View the entire video below HERE

Texting Documentary

AT&T is also encouraging people to make the pledge via its Facebook page.

· Adults Text While Driving Just as Much as Teenagers

· Teens Prefer Texting vs. Calling ... Except to Parents

· Distracted Driving: The Dangers of Mobile Texting and Phone Calls


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Canola Oil… Danger?!?

Olive oil comes from olives, peanut oil from peanuts, sunflower oil from sunflowers, but what is a canola?

Canola is not the name of a natural plant but a made-up word, from the words "Canada" and "oil". Canola is a genetically engineered plant developed in Canada from the Rapeseed Plant, which is part of the mustard family of plants. According to AgriAlternatives, The Online Innovation, and Technology Magazine for Farmers, "By nature, these rapeseed oils, which have long been used to produce oils for industrial purposes, are...toxic to humans and other animals".

Rapeseed oil is poisonous to living things and is an excellent insect repellant. I have been using it (in very diluted form, as per instructions) to kill the aphids on my roses for the last two years. It works very well; it suffocates them. Ask for it at your nursery. Rape is an oil that is used as a lubricant, fuel, soap and synthetic rubber base and as a illuminate for color pages in magazines. It is an industrial oil.

It is not a food.

Rape oil is strongly related to symptoms of emphysema, respiratory distress, anemia, constipation, irritability, and blindness in animals and humans. Rape oil was widely used in animal feeds in England and Europe between 1986 and 1991, when it was discontinued.

A few relevant facts

It is genetically engineered rapeseed. Canada paid the FDA the sum of $50 million to have rape registered and recognized as "safe". (Source: Young Again and others)

Rapeseed is a lubricating oil used by small industry. It has never been meant for human consumption.

It is derived from the mustard family and is considered a toxic and poisonous weed, which when processed, becomes rancid very quickly.

It has been shown to cause lung cancer (Wall Street Journal: 6/7/95)

It is very inexpensive to grow and harvest. Insects won't eat it.

Some typical and possible side effects include loss of vision, disruption of the central nervous system, respiratory illness, anemia, constipation, increased incidence of heart disease and cancer, low birth weights in infants and irritability.

Generally rapeseed has a cumulative effect, taking almost 10 years before symptoms begin to manifest. It has a tendency to inhibit proper metabolism of foods and prohibits normal enzyme function. Canola is a Trans Fatty Acid, which has shown to have a direct link to cancer. These Trans Fatty acids are labeled as hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils. Avoid all of them!

According to John Thomas' book, Young Again, 12 years ago in England and Europe, rapeseed was fed to cows, pigs and sheep who later went blind and began attacking people. There were no further attacks after the rapeseed was eliminated from their diet.

Source: David Dancu, N.D.

Apparently peanut oil is being replaced with rape oil. You'll find it in an alarming number of processed foods. I read where rape oil was the source of the chemical warfare agent mustard gas, which was banned after blistering the lungs and skins of hundred of thousands of soldiers and civilians during W.W.I. Recent French reports indicate that it was again in use during the Gulf War.

Check products for ingredients. If the label says, "may contain the following" and lists canola oil, you know it contains canola oil because it is the cheapest oil and the Canadian government subsidizes it to industries involved in food processing.

Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) is a rare fatal degenerative disease caused by in a build up long-chain fatty acids (c22 to c28) which destroys the myelin (protective sheath) of the nerves. Canola oil is a very long chain fatty acid oil (c22). Those who will defend canola oil say that the Chinese and Indians have used it for centuries with no effect, however it was in an unrefined form.*

(* taken from FATS THAT HEAL AND FATS THAT KILL by Udo Erasmus.) I read about a man who bred birds, always checking labels to insure there was no rapeseed in their food. He said, "The birds will eat it, but they do not live very long." A friend, who worked for only 9 mo. as a quality control taster at an apple-chip factory where Canola oil was used exclusively for frying, developed numerous health problems.

Rapeseed oil used for stir-frying in China found to emit cancer-causing chemicals. (Rapeseed oil smoke causes lung cancer.) Amal Kumar Maj. The Wall Street Journal, June 7, 1995 pB6(W) pB6 (E) col 1(11 col in). Compiled by Darleen Bradley.

Because of the lungs need for essential fatty acids in the oxidation relationship I have to suspect that canola oil has a quite negative affect on the way we breathe.


Canola oil Because of the public scare over animal fats, sales of vegetable oils of all types increased. It was the established wisdom that those oils high in polyunsaturated fatty acids were especially beneficial (animal fats are high in saturated fatty acids). The obsession with polyunsaturated versus saturated fats led researchers and nutritionists to overlook some of the other features of vegetable oils that we now know are crucial to health, including: (1) susceptibility to rancidity; (2) ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids and its relevance in inflammatory diseases and immune system function; (3) possible presence of irritating or toxic compounds in particular plant oils. Unlike the case of trans-fatty acids, for which there is massive amount of research data, there is much less documented scientific research on canola oil consumption in humans, specifically.

Some sources (unverified) claim that the Canadian government and industry paid the U.S. FDA $50 million dollars to have canola oil placed on the GRAS ("Generally Recognized As Safe") list, which allowed the canola industry to avoid the lengthy and expensive approval process, including medical research on humans. However, experimental rats that were fed canola oil "developed fatty degeneration of the heart, kidney, adrenals, and thyroid gland. On withdrawing the canola oil from their diets, the deposits dissolved but scar tissue remained on all vital organs." [ref. 3a] In the absence of direct research studies of canola oil and human health, many concerned nutritionists and biochemists have attempted to analyze the canola oil situation on the basis of current knowledge of the biochemistry of fats and oils. While hard-nosed canola industry spokespersons may claim such commentary to be speculative, in the absence of proof of safety, anyone concerned about their family's health should pay close attention to the various arguments and warnings. [refs. 3a - 3i; for canola industry position, see refs. 3j, 3k]

The Canola Council of Canada has published a report [ref. 3k] that focuses heavily on the high polyunsaturated fatty acid content of canola oil and the presumed benefits of polyunsaturated oils on various blood parameters (platelet phospholipids, platelet aggregation, eicosanoid production, clotting time). In spite of the many scientific references listed at the end of the report, the author studiously avoids discussion of the toxic effects mentioned by many nutritionists and biochemists, and, instead, attempts to link many of the benefits of Mediterranean-type diets high in olive oil to diets high in canola oil, when in fact, no such evidence is presented, and canola oil has never been part of a traditional Mediterranean diet.

Concerns about the risks of using canola (rapeseed) oil focus on several aspects: (1) the presence of long-chain fatty acids, including erucic acid, which are thought by some to cause CNS degeneration, heart disease, and cancer; (2) the high temperatures needed in the refining process to make canola oil palatable, which lead to formation of trans-fatty acids; (3) miscellaneous undesirable chemical constituents (thioglycosides and thiocyanates) whose effects are unclear, as their concentration in the refined product is probably very low. Although Chinese and Indian peoples have long used rapeseed oil in cooking, it was not refined and processed to the extent of modern commercial methods, and it was never considered to be a high quality oil for human consumption. Ayurvedic physicians have for thousands of years classified olive, almond, and sesame as the best oils for human health, and have considered safflower, soybean and rapeseed oils to be undesirable for human consumption except perhaps when no other oil sources were available. Recent epidemiological studies of high lung cancer rates in Chinese women suggest that wok cooking with rapeseed oil is responsible, rather than tobacco smoking, which was only a weak factor. Chinese rapeseed oil tended to produce the highest emissions of the potentially carcinogenic or mutagenic compounds 1,3-butadiene, benzene, acrolein, and formaldehyde, when compared with soybean oil and peanut oil. [ref. 3n] Canola oil contains a long-chain fatty acid called erucic acid, which is especially irritating to mucous membranes; canola oil consumption has been correlated with development of fibrotic lesions of the heart, CNS degenerative disorders, lung cancer, and prostate cancer, anemia, and constipation. [ref. 3a, 3b]

Canola oil derives from the plants Brassica campestris and B. napus, which have been selectively bred to substantially reduce the erucic acid content. However, some health professionals feel that there is still too much present in current canola oil products for safe use. Some critics of canola oil focus on the fact that rapeseed oil was originally used as an industrial lubricant and known to be unfit for human consumption, although many vegetable oils have been used in industrial applications as well as in foods. The long-chain fatty acids found in canola have been found to destroy the sphingomyelin surrounding nerve cells in the brain, in some cases leading to a degenerative brain condition remarkably similar to mad-cow disease (bovine spongiform encephalopathy); in advanced cases the brain tissue develops a Swiss-cheese-like appearance, full of holes. Illnesses and conditions that have been associated with canola oil consumption include loss of vision (retinal capillaries are very sensitive and easily damaged), and a wide range of neurological disorders. [ref. 3a]

The high temperatures used in canola refining will damage many of the essential fatty acids, which are much more susceptible to damage by heat than saturated fats. (Heat may convert many of the unsaturated double bonds to the "trans" configuration.) While high-quality essential fatty acids are required for human health, in their damaged or rancid forms they become harmful. Additional problems with canola oil include the presence of minute, but potentially dangerous, amounts of thioglycosides, which have thyrotoxic effects. [ref. 3m]

To reduce the concentration of these compounds requires processing with alkalinizing agents plus high temperatures; unfortunately, the high temperatures used in processing have other undesirable effects, the most serious of which is the conversion of unsaturated fats to the trans form. Rapeseed has been selectively bred and genetically engineered [ref. 3a] in an attempt to reduce the toxic components and processing methods were developed to further reduce the concentration of undesirable compounds. Prior to its entry into the "health" food market, it was known as rapeseed oil, but savvy marketing professionals knew that the health food market, heavily dominated by young, college-educated women, would not purchase a repulsive-sounding product called rapeseed oil. The name of the selectively bred variety was changed to canola (as in "Canadian oil"; it has been heavily promoted by Canadian government and agricultural organizations) oil; the name rolls off the tongue with a mellifluous sound. [3.1]

Recommendations The biochemistry of plants and natural food products is often complex; the total effect of a given food on human health is dependent upon many chemical constituents and their interaction with biochemical pathways of the body. To radically alter our diets based on scientific evidence regarding only a few aspects of this biochemistry is like cooking in the dark. Common symptom reactions to unhealthy oils and fats, or to an unhealthy balance of the types of fats in one's diet include joint pain and aggravation of arthritic conditions, a general tendency to have increased tissue irritability and inflammation, and, in the case of unhealthy fats such as hydrogenated oils and excessive amounts of fried foods, abdominal fullness and indigestion. While these conditions also may be due to other factors, quality of fats and oils is important. How one feels immediately to within several days after eating specific types of fat is often a useful indicator of whether one's fat consumption is healthy or unhealthy. Avoid canola oil; there is too much doubt about its safety. Recommended oils and fats, which are essential nutrients, include moderate amounts of meat in the form of clean sources (organically grown, etc.) of beef, lamb, and other red meats, poultry, fish (especially sardines and mackerel), plus olive, almond, or sesame oil; of all the vegetable oils, olive oil is probably the safest and best for health reasons. All of these have been in traditional use in various cultures for thousands of years. Individual differences in metabolism will dictate needs for more or less of these types of oils and fats.

An attorney for the Canola people sent me this.

"If you read down into this page you will see a number of links to other independent and very reputable Web sites (the Cancer Association, American Society of Science and Health, Washington Post, Health Central and others) that refute the claims made on this page."

Recommendations Dr. Doug Graham states that oils in general inhibit nutrient absorption in the small intestine. With all the choices why take any chances?

If you must use oils

  • Pure Olive oil only.
  • Bariani (Sacramento California area) is a good one.
  • Udo's Choice or Russell Martino's EFAs is a real good one for balanced EFAs.
  • Safflower and Sunflower oils are OK, but they contain Omega 6 which may or may not be not a good option for the heart or the myelin sheaths.

Reject any foods, packaged or otherwise, which have in the label "...may contain vegetable oil, cottonseed, canola oil..." And if the label just says vegetable oil, we reject it outright since it does not specify which oil.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Obama Embraces 'Death Panel' Concept in Medicare Rule

Sunday, 26 Dec 2010 06:41 PM

During the stormy debate over his healthcare plan, President Barack Obama promised his program would not "pull the plug on grandma" and Congress dropped plans for death panels and "end of life" counseling that would encourage aged patients from partaking in costly medical procedures.

Opponents of Obama's plan, including former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, dubbed such efforts as "death panels" that would encourage euthanasia.

But on December 3rd, the Obama administration seemingly flouted the will of Congress by issuing a new Medicare regulation detailing -- "voluntary advance care planning" that is to be included during patients' annual checkups. The regulation aimed at the aged "may include advance directives to forgo aggressive life-sustaining treatment," The New York Times reported.

death,panel,obama,palin,medicare,ruleThe new provision goes into effect Jan. 1, 2011 and allows Medicare to pay for voluntary counseling to help beneficiaries deal with the complex and decisions families face when a loved one is approaching death. Critics say it is another attempt to limit healthcare options for the elderly as they face serious illness.

Incoming House Speaker John Boehner said during the healthcare debate that, “This provision may start us down a treacherous path toward government-encouraged euthanasia.”

Specifically, the measure was known as Section 1233 of the bill passed by the House in November 2009. It was not included in the final legislation, however. It allowed Medicare to pay for consultations about advance care planning every five years. In contrast, the new rule allows annual discussions as part of the wellness visit.

Elizabeth D. Wickham, executive director of LifeTree, a pro-life Christian educational ministry, told the Times was concerned that end-of-life counseling would encourage patients to forgo or curtail care, thus hastening death.

“The infamous Section 1233 is still alive and kicking,” Ms. Wickham said. “Patients will lose the ability to control treatments at the end of life.”

The rule was issued by Dr. Donald M. Berwick, administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, according to The New York Times. He is a longtime advocate for rationing medical procedures for the elderly.

Before being tapped by Obama to his Medicare post, Berwick had long applauded Britain's National Health Service, which uses an algorithm to determine if the aged are worthy of additional expenditure for medical care and advanced treatments.

Berwick has argued that rationing will have to eventually be implemented in the U.S, stating, “The decision is not whether or not we will ration care. The decision is whether we will ration with our eyes open.”

Seniors appear to be a major target for precious resources under the Obama healthcare plan. According to the Congressional Budget Office, the Obama plan cuts nearly $500 million in Medicare benefits to seniors as the federal government adds 30 million uninsured Americans to private and public health care systems.

The cost of caring for the elderly has not been lost on Berwick.
“The chronically ill and those towards the end of their lives are accounting for potentially 80 percent of the total health care bill out here… there is going to have to be a very difficult democratic conversation that takes place,” he said.

During the heated healthcare debate, supporters of the Obama vigorously denied rationing for seniors would take place and scoffed at "death panel" critics like Palin.

Last month, however, economist and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman told ABC News that rising Medicare costs could only be dealt with by "death panels and sales taxes."

He added: "Medicare is going to have to decide what it's going to pay for. And at least for starters, it's going to have to decide which medical procedures are not effective at all and should not be paid for at all. In other words, it should have endorsed the [death] panel that was part of the healthcare reform.’"

Read more: Obama Embraces 'Death Panel' Concept in Medicare Rule

The NY Times Concedes Governor Palin “Forced [Obama] Onto the Defensive.”

The NY Times concedes that Governor Palin put Obama “onto the defensive” with “death panels” (emphasis added):

Sarah Palin, the 2008 Republican vice-presidential candidate, and Representative John A. Boehner of Ohio, the House Republican leader, led the criticism in the summer of 2009. Ms. Palin said “Obama’s death panel” would decide who was worthy of health care. Mr. Boehner, who is in line to become speaker, said, “This provision may start us down a treacherous path toward government-encouraged euthanasia.” Forced onto the defensive, Mr. Obama said that nothing in the bill would “pull the plug on grandma.”

Has any other potential Republican presidential candidate other than Palin been able to force the New York Times to concede that he or she put Obama on the defensive? Has any other potential Republican presidential candidate other than Palin destroyed a liberal policy to such an extent that the Democrat Party is afraid to publicize what it is doing and can only get it implemented through channels outside of the legislative arena?

“Death Panels” Regulation Begins Obama’s Rule by Fiat

by Ben Johnson – Posted at

In a foretaste of outrages to come, the Obama administration managed to sneak out a federal regulation paying doctors to provide “end of life counseling” to those covered by ObamaCare. The Medicare rule, which Congress never voted on, may encourage thousands to forego lifesaving treatment. This move is a voluntary precursor to the inevitable rationing engendered by socialized medicine. Many conservative media outlets have objected to the pro-death aspects of this decision. However, they have ignored a vital aspect of this story: the way he implemented the policy. This federal regulation inaugurates Obama’s two-year strategy to rule by executive order. The New York Times reports:

When a proposal to encourage end-of-life planning touched off a political storm over “death panels,” Democrats dropped it from legislation to overhaul the health care system. But the Obama administration will achieve the same goal by regulation, starting Jan. 1.

Under the new policy, outlined in a Medicare regulation, the government will pay doctors who advise patients on options for end-of-life care, which may include advance directives to forgo aggressive life-sustaining treatment.

Although the NYT just discovered this, Steven Ertelt at reported the regulation nearly a month ago. (We covered it at the time.) For once, the Times included some salient facts along with its whitewash of the administration’s activities.

This program will be overseen by the Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Dr. Donald Berwick, a fanatical believer in limiting (read: denying) care. The paper quotes Berwick as saying, “Using unwanted procedures in terminal illness is a form of assault. In economic terms, it is waste.” Berwick added advanced directives were one of “several techniques” that led “to both lower cost and more humane care.” There is no question they lead to lower costs, in addition to providing an economic stimulus to tombstone carvers, morticians, and cemetery plot salesmen.

The Times reports the regulation was pushed by two Congressional Democrats: Rep. Earl Blumenauer of Oregon and Sen. Jay Rockefeller IV of West Virginia. This backing unintentionally reveals the measure’s greater significance: The liberals could not ram a death panels provision through even the Democratic-controlled 111th Congress, so Obama is imposing it with the stroke of a pen, without a single vote. The New York Times admits this is the wave of the future:

While the new law does not mention advance care planning, the Obama administration has been able to achieve its policy goal through the regulation-writing process, a strategy that could become more prevalent in the next two years as the president deals with a strengthened Republican opposition in Congress.

This author first exposed Obama’s plan to rule by executive order, in October. The following month, the Center for American Progress released a lengthy report compiled by Sarah Rosen Wartell calling for the president to implement a “progressive” agenda by fiat over the next two years. In its foreword, CAP president and CEO John Podesta called on Obama to rule through:

• Executive orders
• Rulemaking
• Agency management
• Convening and creating public-private partnerships
• Commanding the armed forces
• Diplomacy

Just last week, the inside-the-Beltway Bible Politico featured an article by John F. Harris and James Hohmann which concluded, “Republican gains in Congress make it essential for [Obama] to use new avenues of power,” including regulations and executive orders.

The Left is irresistibly drawn to collecting as much unbridled power as possible, because its agenda is so unpopular it could never receive sufficient popular support to pass an election. Since the November election, Obama, Reid, and company have followed the authoritarian path I predicted. I wrote in November, “Look for an aggressive agenda in the lame duck session of Congress, focused especially on passing the DREAM Act and repealing ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.’” Harry Reid unleashed precisely these two measures (and passed one of them) in his lame duck power grab, cramming in a bid to pass a $1.27 trillion budget besides. Next, I wrote, “After January, Cabinet agencies will issue regulations at a faster clip.” This follows that prediction. Finally, I wrote, “Obama will rule increasingly through executive orders and appeals to the United Nations.” If this regulation means anything, it means we have not seen anything yet.

How fitting one of the first expressions of Obama’s new strategy was a measure to let people die. He seems to have the same fate planned for the U.S. Constitution.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

How to keep your heart healthy (and your waistline trim) at holiday meals

The most common items eaten for American Christmas Dinner are:

Turkey + Stuffing
Cranberry Sauce
Green Beans (Most popular style is green bean casserole.)
Mashed Potatoes (Sweet Potatoes or both were a close second!)
Gravy made from the turkey drippings/giblets.
CORN! This is what sets US Christmas dinners from all others around the world.
A variety of pies and rolls.

There are ways to de-fat holiday meals and keep your arteries and your taste buds happy. (©

Holiday meals, with turkey or ham and all the fixings, can turn the dining room table into a high-fat smorgasbord. As tasty as they are, these feasts are enough to make your arteries groan.

The typical holiday meal is laden with fat: gravies made with meat drippings, mounds of creamy mashed potatoes, your favorite pies. American adults usually gain one to two pounds each year, including slightly less than one pound during the holidays alone.

How bad is pigging out at holiday meals? Over time, that gradual weight can raise your risk of serious health problems, such as diabetes, arthritis and cardiovascular disease. Studies also show that fats -- especially those found in vegetable shortening, margarine and some oils -- can clog the arteries and contribute to heart disease.

Transforming high-calorie holiday fare

A traditional holiday dinner of turkey, stuffing, other dishes and desserts can exceed 2,500 calories and 130 grams of fat. That's just for one meal. This is more calories than you should consume in a whole day.

But, there are ways to de-fat holiday meals and keep your arteries and your taste buds happy. Here are some tips:

De-fat your gravy

Two tablespoons of regular gravy contain about 4 grams of fat and most people pour on more than that. Try pouring meat drippings into a container ahead of time and then refrigerating. The fat rises to the surface so you can peel it off.

Un-stuff the stuffing

One benefit of this is that the stuffing does not absorb all the fat from the bird. Also, the inside of the bird gets cooked more thoroughly, killing any salmonella that may be present. Also, try adding nuts and fruits instead of sausage or turkey giblets in your stuffing.

Nix the butter

Try adding a little brown sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg to your sweet potatoes instead of butter. Bake them in a nonstick baking pan.

Remove the skin

A 3 1/2-ounce serving of roast turkey breast with skin has 197 calories and 8.3 grams of fat. Without skin, it has 157 calories and 3.2 grams of fat.

Make a single-crusted pie instead of a double-crusted one

Most of the fat in pies is found in the crust. Roll the crust a little thinner if you use a store-bought crust. Fruit pies are lower in fat than a pecan pie.

Bring out the fruits and vegetables

Focus on pumpkin, carrots, sweet potatoes or other orange vitamin-packed vegetables. Greens such as broccoli, spinach and collard greens all pack vitamin power too. Serve colorful raw veggies with low-fat dip as an appetizer.

Make smart substitutions

Use fat-free, low-sodium chicken or vegetable broth to moisten dressing. Use olive oil in place of butter or margarine. Mash potatoes with nonfat sour cream and low-fat milk. Use fat-free non-dairy creamers or evaporated skim milk instead of cream when you bake.

Don't starve yourself until dinner

Have a healthy breakfast so you don't load up at the big meal. When you sit down to eat, try just a little bit of everything and go easy on second helpings and dessert.

The benefits of exercise

Take a walk after dinner, or exercise sometime during the day to offset meal calories. Several studies have shown that moderate exercise after a fatty meal helps prevent fat from affecting your arteries.

Take a 45-minute walk two hours after a high-fat meal, or three 10-minute walks over a three-hour period. But always check with your doctor before you increase your activity level, especially if you have medical problems or have been inactive.

So, enjoy your meal, but prepare it with less fat and walk it off afterwards. Your arteries and your waistline will thank you.

View the original How to keep your heart healthy (and your waistline trim) at holiday meals article on  - Cross Posted:  ValleyNewLive


  • Nestel PJ, Shige H, Pomeroy S, Cehun M, Chin-Dusting J. Post-prandial remnant lipids impair arterial compliance. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2001;37:1929-1935. Accessed: 11/19/2008
  • Padilla J, Harris RA Fly AD, Rink LD, Wallace JP. The effect of acute exercise on endothelial function following a high-fat meal. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 2006;98(3):256-262. Accessed: 11/19/2008

Merry Christmas to you All !!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Surviving the Holidays with Autism

Up here in Canada, we had our Thanksgiving back in October, so we're all getting ready for Christmas/Hanukkah/other winter holidays.  I'm going to be very honest: I celebrate Christmas, so my default for the holiday season is Christmas.  This doesn't mean that stuff I say cannot be used for other holidays, it's just a religious difference, use as needed.

But I'm kinda using my own experiences for this, so I'm going to resort to my default of Christmas.  Also, I'm mainly addressing parents in this post, but I'm certain that some of these pointers can be used for Autistics of all ages.

But yes, the winter holiday season is approaching, and it's a very busy, hectic and overwhelming time of year, full of all the things that set off Autistics and other highly sensitive individuals.  The season is full of parties, religious events, meeting a lot of people and having relatives all crowd together, malls full of shoppers and noisy music, and regular family festivities.

From my own experiences, there's nothing really new in terms of needs and challenges, just that the time of year makes everything more chaotic and intense. Add in the excitement for a countdown, the anxiety of a lot of surprises, plus a lot of the goodies that get passed around, and it's no wonder that things get overwhelming.  The trick is to manage the new sources of over-stimulation and stress while still participating in the holiday so that everyone can enjoy.

The holidays are filled with meeting people, lots of relatives, crowded house, parties, and other social complications that can make the basics, such as manners for receiving presents, more difficult to remember and perform.

Please keep in this in mind when interacting with others, that even if you know an autistic that is capable of being more polite, the overwhelming pressure on their social skills (and other skills) may mean that they are functioning on a lower level than their norm.  It may be taxing for them to remember simple Please and Thank Yous.
Be mindful of this, and be patient.  Little reminders on manners are okay, but don't be too insistent, because this is a very hard time of year and keeping the stress levels as low as possible all around is a good idea.

At events where its available, explain your and/or your child's needs, find a time-out corner for breaks, be mindful but try not to freak out at little slip ups, and if you find the stress becoming too high, leave early.  Understanding friends and family won't mind too much, and you can get back to the ones who do.  There might be some grumpy faces, but catching the stress at "grumpy" is better than "meltdown", where pretty much anything can set off a meltdown.  So be very mindful of the warnings signs.

And if you think that so many events is too taxing, skip them. Take a break and pace yourselves. Friends and family members may not totally understand or be happy about it, but you're taking care of both your autistic child, and/or yourself.  You could have a relaxing night at home, everyone doing a relaxing activity, maybe do something special if you think everyone can handle it.

I know that there are events that you can't skip, like certain religious events, or that mandatory company party.  And to be honest, some of those are, well, boring for kids, and overwhelming in general, especially if it's formal (see sensory below).  But don't be afraid to find a babysitter and go, even if it's for a little while so that you can fill the "I attended" requirements.

As for babysitters, it's good to give them some information about autism, so they know, but don't expect them to be professional respite workers.  Look for someone who is friendly and flexible, and maybe have them meet the kids a few days in advance, if it's a new babysitter, so that everyone knows each other and you can see whether they get along. My parents tried to keep the same few babysitters, so even if there was an emergency, my brother and I would know the babysitter.

Also, parents, don't be afraid to take the time to go off by yourselves and have a night together.  Everyone needs a break every once in a while during the holidays.

You probably could name quite a few sensory issues we Autistics have this time of year, as every thing becomes more intense, and we tend to react more because of that.  I'm talking the crowds in mall, the rushing here and there, all the loud music and holiday jingles, strange and new foods, smells and textures, and winter clothes.
Again, a lot of it is the same issues each of us have, just more intense during the holiday season.  As a result, it may be better to plan shopping trips for times when it's not so busy, or if that's not possible, to shorten the trips as to accommodate a lowered tolerance limit.  It'll probably mean more trips, but it might also reduce overload.

Another sensory issue is foods, and there are many strange things to eat, with rather strange names.  Don't worry about having your autistic test new foods; while it's certainly an opportunity to try new things, it may be more that they can handle during the holidays.  If they consent to try a bite of something you think they might like, awesome.  But be okay if they decide not to try it right now.
As for music, if you want to have it on, keep the volume down.  If there's people over, well, you might want to just turn it off, because it becomes another source of noise.

The final issue I can think of for sensory is clothes. For me at least, this is big challenge during the winter months.  I find that during winter, there's less moisture in the air, and so my skin becomes dry and more sensitive.  This means even more sensitive to the feel of cloth, textures, and seams, especially after bathing when water has dehydrated my skin.  Even sensory-soothing clothing can become irritants during this time of year.

To counter-act difficulties dressing due to this, I suggest bathing well in advance of events to give the skin time to hydrate and produce its own oils.

Also, in winter, fabrics are heavier, which is good for those who need more sensory input, but clothing contains more seams and restrictions of movement.  Given the time of year, some articles of clothing are necessary to wear outside. So try to use the hat, mitts, scarves and other winter gear that your child seems able to wear the longest, but when possible, limit the amount of time they need to be wearing their gear.

As for the times where formal wear is required, it becomes a matter of how much your autistic can tolerate.  Try to buy formal wear that can be worn for long periods of time, or else bring along a spare set of clothes, just in case.  Otherwise, let your child wear what's comfortable and looks good.

Another source of distress during the holidays is the deviancy from our regular schedules.  Understandably, there's a lot of things to keep track of, and it can get very busy and overwhelming.  What I think is key is keeping as much of the regular schedule, with more cool-down periods.  The normalcy of it will be grounding and calming, reassuring your autistic that things are still under control, and it helps transitioning between the holiday season and the non-holiday season.

For all the different events and activities, if possible and when appropriate, try to include your autistic in the decision making process.  This will help them to be involved and be more informed about what's happening.  This also gives them the opportunity to express what they'd like to do and experience the holiday better.
I also suggest to try to do the same things year after year; this makes the holiday a part of the yearly schedule, and as time goes on, may make the holidays easier as your autistic has a better idea of what to expect.

What I find is that after the holidays, or any big and draining events, I have a period of transition and adjustment to get back into the regular schedule. Sometimes this includes period where I regress in skills, tolerance and energy as I am recovering from the event, especially when I have been unable to maintain my regular schedule and practice skills.

During this recovery period, be patient and mindful that your autistic may be drained from the holiday, get back into the regular schedule as soon as possible, and allow them to have more quiet time periods.  For me, to recover from a weekend usually takes about a week, but it's different for everyone.

As well as what I have above, I asked my mother for some tips and advice on handling the holidays.  After all, she did raise myself and my brother, both of us with a wide range of difficulties for this time of year. So, from my mother:

1) Don't do too much on any one day; usually one event per day is enough.
2) Each morning, share that day's schedule with the kids, and only that day's schedule. Don't overwhelm them with future days and activities; stay day by day.  Also have it that the kid can carry it along and refer to it.
3) Keep clothes soft and comfortable.
4) Have quiet time, and let them know that it's quiet time, so that they can relax properly.
5) For children who have a hard time staying at the table, have a candle on the table. Makes meal times more special, and keep their attention so they don't leave.  Keep a plate under the table, and watch for fingers that start playing with wax. (Candles are a two-edged sword; can keep kid at table, but they may want to play with the melted wax)
6) Always serve some of the kid's favorite foods at every meal, so that if they don't like the big meal they at least have something to eat.
7) Make sure that relatives and guests know the kid's needs.
8) Limit the amount of people coming over and in the house at any given time.
9) Have a safe place for your kid to withdraw.
10) If you have a large family gathering, rent a hall. But make sure to keep a safe corner.
11) Don't force the kid to do greetings and farewells; it's too much commotion in the front hall.
12) Allow your kid to choose toys to hide away that they do not have to share, but at the same time, have your kid pick toys that they do have to share with other children.
13) If playing music in the background, have calm music and be careful of the volume.
14) When opening gifts, clean up the boxes and wrappers as you go, so that it's not too chaotic.  After opening, take gifts to each person's respected places to keep the central space calm.
15) If the kid like puzzles, create a puzzle corner where they can interact with others one-on-one as they work on a puzzle.
16) Find some way that the child can contribute and make the holiday their own.  Give them suggestions and work together on whatever the child chooses, such as help decorate, help making food, setting the table, putting stamps on and licking shut Christmas card envelops, etc

If you have any questions about this list, or you think I've missed something, feel free to ask and comment.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Posted by Corina Becker at 6:06 PM at No Stereotypes Here  -  Cross-Posted at True Health Is True Wealth

Monday, December 20, 2010

Deal-making, arm-twisting, and sellouts

Last night, against all expectations, Senate Republicans cut a deal with Harry Reid to advance the so-called "Food Safety Bill," that everyone thought was dead.  And those of us who have been following it were stunned… asking ourselves:  “What Happened!?!”

While that bill had no forced-unionism implications, the way they snuck it through late on a Sunday night without even a roll-call vote tells us a lot about the kind of deal-making and arm-twisting that is going on right now.

Not a single Republican objected, even though dozens voted against the bill just a few weeks ago. Just one objection would have killed the bill for the year.

Clearly, a backroom deal was cut.  But at what price??

With Big Labor still demanding the Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining Bill (S. 3991), it's critical we keep up the pressure.

Please, contact Senator Barbara Boxer and Senator Dianne Feinstein  or your Senators (Senators from your State.) right away and insist they oppose this union-boss power grab on all votes, including cloture, if Harry Reid pushes it to the Senate floor again.

After you've contacted your Senators, or if you have already called and know where they stand, please call Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell and Republican Senators Scott Brown, Susan Collins, and Olympia Snowe

Insist they oppose any version of the Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining Bill -- and any attempt by Harry Reid to use the bill as leverage in another deal.

Senate Minority Leader McConnell: (202) 224-2541
Senator Brown: (202) 224-4543
Senator Collins: (202) 224-2523
Senator Snowe: (202) 224-5344

Tell them that the time for deal-making is over.
Harry Reid's renegade "lame duck" Congress does not represent the will of the American people, who rejected Big Labor-backed incumbents on Election Day.

The union bosses are scrambling to ram through S. 3991 before newly elected pro-Right to Work Senators and Congressmen take office in just a couple of weeks.

With Senate Republicans no longer united to filibuster legislation before a continuing resolution to fund the government is passed, the union chiefs think they have the votes if Reid puts the Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining Bill back on the Senate calendar.
Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins, and Scott Brown are among the handful of Republicans who have supported earlier versions of S. 3991, and Big Labor is banking on them to support this power grab now.

If you haven't already, please urge Senator Barbara Boxer and Senator Dianne Feinstein or your Senators (Senators from your State.) to oppose any renewed attempt to ram through the Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining Bill (S. 3991).

And please, tell Senate Minority Leader McConnell and Republican Senators Scott Brown, Olympia Snowe, and Susan Collins that they should not cut any more deals with Harry Reid and let him abuse what little time remains in the "lame duck" session to pay back his union-boss benefactors.

Senate Minority Leader McConnell: (202) 224-2541
Senator Brown: (202) 224-4543
Senator Collins: (202) 224-2523
Senator Snowe: (202) 224-5344

Don't let the Senate make another deal behind closed doors to ram through controversial legislation. Please, act now.

Mark Mix

Originally Posted:  Sunday 12.20.10
In Sunday-evening surprise, Senate unanimously passes food safety bill

What happened here???

By Alexander Bolton - 12/19/10 07:55 PM ET

The Senate unexpectedly approved food safety legislation by unanimous consent Sunday evening, rescuing a bill that floated in limbo for weeks because of a clerical error.

The Senate passed the Food Safety and Modernization Act on Nov. 30 by a vote of 73-25. But the bill was later invalidated by a technical objection because it was a revenue-raising measure that did not originate in the House — Senate staff had failed to substitute the food safety language into a House-originated bill.

A coalition of groups supporting the bill sent a letter Sunday to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) calling for action on food safety.

“Our organizations are writing to support attaching S. 510, the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act, to the Senate's proposed short-term continuing resolution,” the groups wrote. “Strong food-safety legislation will reduce the risk of contamination and provide FDA with the resources and authorities the agency needs to help make prevention the focus of our food safety strategies.”

The American Public Health Association, the Center for Science in the Public Interest, Consumer Federation of America, Consumers Union and other groups signed the letter.
Democrats first attempted to attach the food safety bill to the two-and-a-half-month spending measure but Republicans balked because they wanted to keep that measure clean, according to Senate aides.

Republicans, however, later agreed to pass it by unanimous consent.

Reid announced he would send the legislation — this time properly attached to a House-originated measure — back to the lower chamber for final approval.

“Our food safety system has not been updated in almost a century. Families in Nevada and across America should never have to worry about whether the food they put on their table is safe," Reid said in a statement. "This is a common-sense issue with broad bipartisan support.

"Tonight we unanimously passed a measure to improve on our current food safety system by giving the FDA the resources it needs to keep up with advances in food production and marketing, without unduly burdening farmers and food producers,” he said.

The legislation is a high priority for Reid and Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee Chairman Tom Harkin (D-Iowa).

Reid’s staff earlier in the day had told a coalition of groups supporting the legislation that it had a chance of passing but the prospects appeared to dim as Sunday wore on. The swift approval by unanimous consent caught some aides and lobbyists working on it by surprise.

Sen. Tom Coburn, the outspoken conservative Republican from Oklahoma, had been blocking the legislation. He lifted his objection at the final moment.  Excerpt:

Next year, Congress will face the question of appropriating money to implement the new laws and regulations. S510 authorizes, but does not appropriate, monies for the FDA-expanded regulation of domestic and imported conventional food producers, distributors, and retailers, and the hiring of more FDA bureaucrats. To carry out all of the new rules and FDA authorities, Congress will have to approve $1.4 billion of new spending or cut other programs accordingly, based on the CBO estimates. This gives us a chance to affect the level of funding and how the money can be spent.

FDA will start the rulemaking process. The agency will almost certainly try to marginalize the role of local foods producers and consumers in the process. We will have to take action to ensure that our concerns are on the record and that elected officials in Congress are also involved to try to rein in the agency from overstepping its bounds.

Fascist Control Over Our Food Supply?  The S.510 Food Safety Scam

Would you vote for a Food Bill Monsanto Supports?


In Sunday-evening surprise, Senate unanimously passes food safety bill

What happened here???

By Alexander Bolton - 12/19/10 07:55 PM ET

The Senate unexpectedly approved food safety legislation by unanimous consent Sunday evening, rescuing a bill that floated in limbo for weeks because of a clerical error.
The Senate passed the Food Safety and Modernization Act on Nov. 30 by a vote of 73-25. But the bill was later invalidated by a technical objection because it was a revenue-raising measure that did not originate in the House — Senate staff had failed to substitute the food safety language into a House-originated bill.

A coalition of groups supporting the bill sent a letter Sunday to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) calling for action on food safety.

“Our organizations are writing to support attaching S. 510, the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act, to the Senate's proposed short-term continuing resolution,” the groups wrote. “Strong food-safety legislation will reduce the risk of contamination and provide FDA with the resources and authorities the agency needs to help make prevention the focus of our food safety strategies.”

The American Public Health Association, the Center for Science in the Public Interest, Consumer Federation of America, Consumers Union and other groups signed the letter.
Democrats first attempted to attach the food safety bill to the two-and-a-half-month spending measure but Republicans balked because they wanted to keep that measure clean, according to Senate aides.

Republicans, however, later agreed to pass it by unanimous consent.

Reid announced he would send the legislation — this time properly attached to a House-originated measure — back to the lower chamber for final approval.

“Our food safety system has not been updated in almost a century. Families in Nevada and across America should never have to worry about whether the food they put on their table is safe," Reid said in a statement. "This is a common-sense issue with broad bipartisan support.

"Tonight we unanimously passed a measure to improve on our current food safety system by giving the FDA the resources it needs to keep up with advances in food production and marketing, without unduly burdening farmers and food producers,” he said.

The legislation is a high priority for Reid and Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee Chairman Tom Harkin (D-Iowa).

Reid’s staff earlier in the day had told a coalition of groups supporting the legislation that it had a chance of passing but the prospects appeared to dim as Sunday wore on. The swift approval by unanimous consent caught some aides and lobbyists working on it by surprise.

Sen. Tom Coburn, the outspoken conservative Republican from Oklahoma, had been blocking the legislation. He lifted his objection at the final moment. 


Next year, Congress will face the question of appropriating money to implement the new laws and regulations. S510 authorizes, but does not appropriate, monies for the FDA-expanded regulation of domestic and imported conventional food producers, distributors, and retailers, and the hiring of more FDA bureaucrats. To carry out all of the new rules and FDA authorities, Congress will have to approve $1.4 billion of new spending or cut other programs accordingly, based on the CBO estimates. This gives us a chance to affect the level of funding and how the money can be spent.

FDA will start the rulemaking process. The agency will almost certainly try to marginalize the role of local foods producers and consumers in the process. We will have to take action to ensure that our concerns are on the record and that elected officials in Congress are also involved to try to rein in the agency from overstepping its bounds.

Fascist Control Over Our Food Supply?  The S.510 Food Safety Scam

Would you vote for a Food Bill Monsanto Supports?


Sunday, December 19, 2010

Is Food Control (S510) Really Dead? Open: Must Push Back Hard Now!

Please click on the the site below the red words, "Take action here", even if you have already signed.  Act now to save our food supply and keep it OUT of the control of the centralized, fed. government and genetically modified seed companies like Monsanto.  And please.....share this~

h/t Debbie Kerekes

Fascist Control Over Our Food Supply?  The S.510 Food Safety Scam

Would you vote for a Food Bill Monsanto Supports?

Action eAlert Permalinks:

"Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty..."
Friday, December 17, 2010

Index: Food Control Threat - Coffee - Senate Information Links
Dr. Rima Reports Radio - Donate
Extraordinary Webinars and Seminars

Did Harry Reid Really Give Up on Omnibus Bill With S.510 Food Controls?

Reid May Attach S.510 to Other Bills...

Take NEW Action Item Here:

Please Think of Natural Solutions Foundation for Your Holiday/End of Year Giving...


IF you want eyes and ears at Codex this year, IF you want the Stop the Shot Suit filed, IF you want researchers working on the back story to the assaults on your health and your freedom, IF you want to keep health freedom's voice and vision alive, then now is the time to make your tax deductible end of year gift.  Please make it as generous as you possibly can. Recurring gifts are especially helpful to us!

Click here:

to give Health Freedom a healthy start in 2011

Updated Donation Page:

The various attempts by Big AgraBiz and DC Politicians to force the fake “food safety” bill, better named the 'food control bill' or the 'Food Fascism Bill', through the Congress are failing because hundreds of thousands of messages are flooding the “lame-duck” Congress from citizens demanding: Don’t Adopt Any Funding Bill that Includes S.510!

This Message from Health Freedom USA President, General Bert:
“The smell of victory is in the air… we must encourage the faint-of-heart Senators to persevere. And get ready to blast ‘em if they turn-tail to run! By the end of any battle, both sides are exhausted, but the side that perseveres just a little longer… wins! That is where we are now, and that is why massive Push Back is more important now than before! We are flooding the lame-duck Congress with a clear message: No New Programs in the Continuing Resolution; Strip S.510 out of any funding bill! Keep at it! Victory is within our reach. Keep pressing forward while you recruit your contacts to act with you now!”

New Action Item: Support Simple Continuing Resolution

From the Senate Calendar: “Thursday, Dec 16, 2010 – The Senate convened at 9:30 a.m. and adjourned at 8:36 p.m. No record votes were taken.”


From Breitbart: “Democrats controlling the Senate have abandoned a 1,924-page catchall spending measure that’s laced with homestate pet projects known as earmarks and that would have provided another $158 billion for military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan”

From RealClearPolitics: “Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) touts his one-page continuing resolution that would “simply continue the government through February 18th. ... 'I would hope that it would make sense on a bipartisan basis, this one-page continuing resolution on Feb 18th as an alternative to this 2,000-page monstrosity that spends a half a billion dollars a page,' McConnell said on the Senate floor.”


Information Resources


Follow the action in the Senate this week:

Senate Record Votes (updated every 20 minutes) -

Watch the Senate on C-span:

We will Twitter what is happening here: & with hashtags -
#healthfreedom #foodfreedom #farmfreedom #NSF #DrRima #organic #noGMO #supplements

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

DR. Hibberd on Combat Macular Degeneration

Combat Macular Degeneration

Question: My vision seems to be changing. I am losing the ability to see fine details and I am afraid I have macular degeneration. Can this be treated?

Dr. Hibberd’s Answer:

Macular degeneration (MD) is an age-related disorder that damages the central area of the retina called the macula, which provides fine detail vision and allows us to see crisp sharp imaging. We need this function to read and drive.

Macular degeneration is caused by damage to the areas around blood vessels of the retina that supply the macula. The disorder is seen with increasing incidence as we age, especially after the age of 60, but may be seen beginning as early as 40 years of age.

Macular degeneration is very hard to notice in its early stages without a professional eye examination. It can be quite disabling if permitted to advance unchecked.

Treatment depends on which type of MD you have — "wet" or "dry." Almost all people with MD start with the dry form of it. This type of MD distorts your central field of vision and usually spares peripheral vision. Yellow deposits appear under the macula when the blood vessels there become brittle and thin. You may see well enough to walk, but as the dry MD advances you will experience progressive loss of fine detail and colors will seem more faded.

Treatment of dry MD consists of combinations of vitamins, antioxidants, and zinc that are believed to retard its progression. The most highly recommended supplements contain: vitamin C (500 mg); vitamin E (400 IU); beta-carotene (15 mg) usually labeled as equivalent to 25,000 IU vitamin A; zinc labeled as zinc oxide (80 mg); copper labeled as cupric oxide (2 mg). These levels are difficult to achieve with diet alone and are recommended for those with MD beyond the early stage. No benefit from taking these combinations was seen in people with early-stage, age-related MD.

Wet MD occurs in only 10 percent of MD cases. Brittle blood vessels break and bleed, and new fragile blood vessels grow, creating a condition called neovascularization. The leaking, bleeding vessels cause macular damage and progressive, irreversible vision loss. Lines will appear wavy and distorted, and there may be an enlarging, nonreversible dark spot in your vision.

I encourage you to seek professional advice about remarkable new treatments that exist. They include revolutionary new medications that aim to slow new blood vessel formation and help preserve vision, as well as selected laser surgery to destroy abnormal blood vessel growth and photodynamic therapy that activates an injected drug to destroy leaking blood vessels.

No definitive prevention strategy for MD exists, but these recommendations may help you avoid it:

• Stop smoking. Smokers have an increased incidence of MD.

• Eat lots of fruits and green leafy vegetables, which contain antioxidants. Antioxidants reduce the risk of developing dry MD.

• Eat fish three times a week. Omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the formation of dry MD. Fish is optimal, though other foods such as nuts also contain omega-3. Remember the balance of omega-3 to omega-6 is important, as is the source of your omega-3.

• Maintain your weight to help combat MD and other diseases that affect vasculature (diabetes, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, cardiovascular disease).

• Seek regular professional eye examinations or a slit lamp evaluation of your retina. A slit lamp is binocular microscope that gives the examiner a three-dimensional view of the eye.

Find more reliable information at the National Eye Institute's website.

Source: 2010 Newsmax  -  Wednesday, December 15, 2010 10:09 AM

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Alert: Last-Minute Washington Back-Room Dealing on Food Safety

Alert:  Last-Minute Washington Back-Room Dealing on Food Safety

December 14, 2010

June 7 Big GovernmentWe may have only one more chance to keep the dreadful so-called “food safety” language from becoming law through a legislative subterfuge. We have (quite literally!) up-to-the-minute information for you.

In the wake of the constitutional snafu over the Senate Food Bill, the House of Representatives passed a continuing resolution (CR) that was supposed to fund the government temporarily but which contained a sneak insert of the Senate food safety bill. It now appears that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will bring up the CR on Tuesday or Wednesday, because the CR expires on Friday the 17th.

One of the first amendments to the CR to be considered will be Sen. Dan Inouye’s omnibus spending legislation—and there is a good possibility that this amendment will be substituted in full for the House’s CR language. We originally heard that Sen. Inouye would not include the food safety language in the omnibus bill, but this is not the case. We have just learned that the food safety language is now included in the amendment.

An earlier version of this article noted that things can change very quickly on Capitol Hill, and that is doubly the case today! Sen. Inouye has earmarks in his amendment that he wants to protect, and we know that he was being pressured very strongly to add food safety to his omnibus bill, so some kind of deal has been struck to include “food safety” in a bill that is supposed to be about temporary government funding.

Unfortunately, this means that the Senate will now either consider the CR, which contains the food safety language, or will accept the substitution of the omnibus bill, which also contains the food safety language. This is one more example of the corrupt way Congress works. Legislation that could ruin small food producers—organic farms, small farms, mom-and-pop roadside stands, etc.— is just tacked onto a bill that must pass in order to keep the government running.

So we need to redouble our efforts and let senators know how this corrupt back-room dealing looks to average Americans. Please phone your senators TODAY, write them (or write them again!) with your concerns, and do everything you can to keep this “food safety” language from becoming law. It will completely transform the food and farming industries for the worse.

Our Action Alert—and especially the letter on that page, which we hope you’ll send to your senators—has all the technical bits spelled out in what we hope is a clear and concise manner. Please keep up the pressure in these last extraordinarily important moments! Please take action now!


Click THIS LINK to go to the Action Alert page. Once there, fill out the form with your name and address, etc.  We’d also love to hear your comments about this article—just add your thoughts below—but remember that the messages below are only seen by our ANH-USA readers and not Congress, etc.

Senators from your State.  *   U.S. Government on TwitterUnited States Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121

BUSTED: This Popular "Independent" Health Website is Deceiving You

health websiteIn a shocking report published earlier this year, BNET exposed how WebMD's online test for depression is rigged for profit:

"Feeling depressed? Cheer yourself up by taking WebMD's comical new depression test.

It's sponsored by Eli Lilly (LLY) — maker of the antidepressant Cymbalta – so they must know what they're talking about, right?

In fact, no matter which of the 10 answers you choose on the test, the result comes out the same:

You may be at risk for major depression."

But that's just the beginning. A number of questions about just how 'independent' a source WebMD is have since surfaced, and the answers are not what you'd expect.

Source:  Dr. Mercola

Many or these advice sites are questionable. Always do some additional research and homework!

More Bad News… Snopes!

Monday, December 13, 2010

“Adrenal Burnout, The Most Under Diagnosed Condition In Healthcare”

Click the link and enter your email to download

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Your adrenal glands adapt and prepare your body for stress and emergency. What you are soon going to realize is that so many of today’s body problems are coming directly from exhausted adrenal glands.

Here’ are just a few:

*Sleeping problems

*Chronic fatigue


*Belly fat

*Diabetes and low blood sugar

*Low vitamin D levels

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Click the link and sign up below for your free EBook!

In addition to getting my EBook, I am going to give you a one-time special offer to access to my new Stress-Free Course. This way you can learn the techniques and strategies to undo the accumulated stress that has been building up in your body for a lifetime.

Sustained stress triggers belly fat hormones, keeping a person in excessive thinking mode, AND brain fog, especially in remembering things…

“what was that thing I was going to do….. where am I going again….what was that name of that person…”

Click the link and sign up below for your free EBook!


Dr. Berg,

Posted:  TrueHealthIsTrueWealth

Thursday, December 9, 2010

URGENT ACTION ALERT! - Food Safety Bill Language Has Been Resurrected

ANH-USA logo

A message from the Alliance for Natural Health USA

On December 8, the House of Representatives passed a Continuing Resolution (CR) H.R.3082. A CR is supposed to provide temporary, stopgap funding for the government while budget bills are worked out.  But this CR included the language of the Senate food safety bill—language that will still affect small food producers (organic farms, small farms, mom-and-pop roadside stands, etc.) most of all. It will completely transform the food and farming industries—for the worse. (It “could” be used against individuals raising their own food or wanting to share it with friends, family or neighbors.)

Putting the text of another bill into a CR is a prime example of the way Congress operates. It is ethically wrong; indeed it is an example of corruption. We saw this kind of slight of hand in the passage of the health reform legislation, and the American public should be fed up with it.

Now this House CR goes back to the Senate, which is expected to pick it up by the middle of next week. The rumor is that instead of dealing with the CR directly, Sen. Daniel Inouye (D-HI) will introduce the Senate’s own omnibus bill  (even larger than the CR) that will also contain the food safety language along and who knows what else.

This is a bad bill, on its own or attached to another piece of legislation. We are grateful that the changes we lobbied for have stayed in the bill, including the exemption for supplements from Codex language and the Tester amendment that protects small farms from some of the bill’s provisions.  But the bill still gives the FDA much too much control over farming in general and small producers in particular.

Three specific concerns remain, all major:

1.  The bill mandates that every registered facility must be inspected by the FDA: high-risk facilities will be inspected initially within the first five years and then every three years thereafter; low-risk facilities, initially within seven years, and then every five. The FDA will need to hire an additional 5,000 employees to do all the inspections. Big companies love this, because the FDA will be so bogged down inspecting all the smaller operations that they won’t have time to focus on the big guys—where the actual food safety problems arise. Food safety legislation should be targeted at the large industrial farms, but, no surprise, this bill does just the opposite.

2. Language in the federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act currently reads:

An officer or qualified employee of the Food and Drug Administration may order the detention, in accordance with this subsection, of any article of food that is found during an inspection, examination, or investigation under this chapter conducted by such officer or qualified employee, if the officer or qualified employee has credible evidence or information indicating that such article presents a threat of serious adverse health consequences or death to humans or animals.

Under this bill, the boldfaced text above would be changed to:

if the officer or qualified employee has reason to believe that such article is adulterated or misbranded.

And remember, as interpreted by the FDA, a food or supplement may be deemed “adulterated” if there have been any record-keeping violations. “Misbranded” can mean that the producer makes a completely true statement about the product but without FDA permission.

So when the FDA is inspecting a facility, if they merely believe an item is misbranded or adulterated — no concrete evidence is required—they can confiscate all of that product. If there is a suspected record-keeping error for a supplement, the entire stock can be taken by the FDA.

3.  A company has to be registered to operate. Under this bill, if the FDA finds there to be a reasonable probability that a product may cause serious adverse health consequences or death to humans or animals, the FDA may suspend that facility’s registration, effectively shutting it down. This seems reasonable, but there is only one informal opportunity for companies to reinstate registration, with no opportunity whatsoever to appeal—they are at the mercy of an FDA inspector’s whim. This should not be allowed in America.

Why does all of this matter? Keep in mind the FDA has consistently done Big Pharma’s bidding and has attacked supplement companies and small food producers (such as the cherry and walnut growers). The bill gives the FDA unbridled authority to ratchet things up even further. The FDA needs to focus on large producers, not get its tentacles onto small producers.

Please contact your senators TODAY and ask them to oppose the food safety bill language that is currently in the CR (though it might be found in the omnibus bill next week). This may be our last chance to defeat this bill—please take action immediately!


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S.510 “Hitched” A Ride On Massive Budget Bill, 1984 Is Here

S.510 “Hitched” A Ride On Massive Budget Bill, 1984 Is Here

Democrats passed a massive budget bill late Wednesday night. The bill narrowly passed by a 212-206 vote.

“A widely backed food safety bill is hitching a ride on the legislation. The measure passed the Senate by a 73-25 vote last week but got caught in a snag because it contained revenue provisions that, under the Constitution, must originate in the House.” Yahoo News

That’s right, S.510 has apparently HITCHED a ride on the budget bill that was passed during a late night session. Our food freedom has possibly been destroyed by the lame duck congress and their big agriculture masters. (This is huge… and not in a good way!!)

Our government is attempting to steal away our food freedom!

Natural Solutions Foundation:

Natural Solutions Foundation Was There: We Saw The House Vote 212 to 205 (WITH NOT A SINGLE REPUBLICAN VOTING FOR THE BILL) When the House Shamefully Attached S510′s language to HR 3082.

Why is their act shameful?  Two reasons.  First, the contents of S. 510 is anti-health, anti-supplements, anti-freedom, anti-small business and anti-clean food to say nothing of anti-sense.  Second, the regulatory language of S. 510 should never have been attached to a Continuing Resolution, which is an administrative bill allowing the government of the United States to continue its activities by funding it.

This tactic shows how desperate the Uber Cartel is to have this measure pass.  Think about that for a moment: apparently it is vitally important to the Uber Cartel, which makes, among other things, drugs, vaccines, agro-chemicals, GMOs and which grows food, to make sure that you do not have the choice to grow or eat clean food.  The reasons for that present themselves quite rapidly, don’t they?  Clean food = bad customers for Big Pharma.  Poisoned food = great customers.  And then there is the subtext of genocide.

But we are far from finished here.

Here’s what Ralph Fucetola,JD, our Counsel and Trustee, wrote from Washington, where he spent the day, meeting with Ron Paul while he was there, by the way:

Our Next Step is to Continue Inundating the Senate -

1. We agree with Ron Paul (with whom we visited today, that [S510] is very bad legislative practice to combine a controversial regulatory bill with the Continuing Resolution needed to fund government activities. This bill will impact dietary supplements. That is clear from the way the FDA used section 301(11) of the 2007 FDA “enabling act” to outlaw a form of Vitamin B-6, although Congress put a clause in that bill “exempting” DSHEA products.

FDA will use any new food authority to attack supplements and natural remedies.

2. It is unprincipled to push this bill against the clear will of the voters that the Federal govt (and this bill is) too big and must stop over-regulating.

3. A clean Continuing Resolution is needed so that Congress can decide to continue funding at a certain level without muddying the process with extraneous matters.

4. The vote was nearly a pure partisan vote, with no Republicans in favor of this maneuver, and only a few Democrats standing against the lame-duck “leadership.” We will remember!

5. The People will keep a close eye on all GOP Senators and expect them to act from principle and not add this budget-busting bill, with its 4,000 new FDA agents to harass local food production and distribution.

For those of you who didn’t follow the events on Twitter or C-Span, the House lame-duck “leadership” pushed the “Food Safety” Bill, formerly known as S.510 into the “Continuing Resolution” Funding Bill to keep the Federal Govt running for another year, passes this Hot Potato to Senate again. That body could act Thursday, December 9th.

The House vote appears to have been 212 to 205, with no Republicans voting for the bill. The next step is to continue inundating the Senate with voter outrage.


clip_image001Food police target organic foods in California!

Police raided the Rawsome Foods organic grocery store with guns drawn in search of "raw-foods". George Hemminger (George4Title) said the battle over organic foods is heating up because large agricultural businesses and corporations feel threatened by local co-ops and have hijacked the FDA and other government regulatory agencies.