Saturday, December 5, 2009

New ObamaCare Ad by Dick Morris and the League of American Voters

The Senate began debating President Obama's health care takeover plan this week. Most of the attention has been placed on several swing-vote Democrats who might oppose the bill. But with the exception of Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-CT), these Democrats will likely find an excuse to support it.

Senators Ben Nelson (D-NE), Mary Landrieu (D-LA), andBlanche Lincoln (D-AR) cannot be counted on to do the right thing. They have made up their minds to vote for the bill if necessary and just need an excuse. If Sen. Lieberman holds firm, President Obama will need one Republican to cross the aisle to provide the 60th vote needed to invoke cloture, cut off debate, and pass the bill.

Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-ME) is the Republican most likely to support the bill. She voted for it in committee and is currently working to make small changes that could be used to justify her support. Sen. Snowe voted against the bill before Thanksgiving so it's very important for Americans to thank her for that vote and encourage her to be strong.

Please call Sen. Snowe's Washington office at (202) 224-5344 or send her an email here.

And not matter what, keep up the pressure on your Senator, Nelso, Landrieu, Lincoln and as many others as you can!

Senators from your State.

Please continue to call, fax and email your State's Senator(s); Senators Lincoln, Landrieu, Nelson and Snowe... and as many of the rest that you can. Keeping up the pressure today could save your life and finances in the future!!

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