Sunday, April 28, 2013

HORRIFYING: Hidden Camera Catches NYC abortion worker telling woman to “flush it” if baby is born alive

Undercover Video: Inhuman: Undercover in America's Late-Term Abortion Industry - NEW YORK

Seems ‘Gosnell is not alone’: Undercover video reveals gruesome details of late-term abortions at Bronx clinic

The Daily Caller: A pro-life organization Sunday released undercover video of a counselor at a Bronx abortion facility offering graphic details about what happens to a baby who survives an attempted late-term abortion.

In the film, created by the pro-life organization Live Action, an abortion counselor at the Dr. Emily Women’s Health Center in the Bronx explains the gruesome late-term process to an undercover Live Action investigator seeking an abortion at 23 weeks (abortion is legal in New York State until the 24th week.)

In the video the counselor describes how the “fully grown” fetus will be sucked out with a “sucking tool that they hold, and it sucks it in” and how the fetus will come out in pieces because it will “start falling apart.”

A pro-life organization Sunday released undercover video of a counselor at a Bronx abortion facility offering graphic details about what happens to a baby who survives an attempted late-term abortion.

In the film, created by the pro-life organization Live Action, an abortion counselor at the Dr. Emily Women’s Health Center in the Bronx explains the gruesome late-term process to an undercover Live Action investigator seeking an abortion at 23 weeks (abortion is legal in New York State until the 24th week.)

In the video the counselor describes how the “fully grown” fetus will be sucked out with a “sucking tool that they hold, and it sucks it in” and how the fetus will come out in pieces because it will “start falling apart.”

If the fetus comes out in one piece, however, they put it “in a jar — a container, with solution,” the counselor explains — adding that everything that comes out in an abortion has “to go to the lab” to be disposed of.

If the baby is “twitching,” the counselor says, “the solution will make it stop… That is the whole purpose of the solution.”

If the baby is breathing, the counselor goes on, the solution stops that too. “It will automatically stop. It won’t be able to breathe anymore. Not in the — not with the solution.”

When asked if the solution is “toxic,” the counselor — who reveals she has been working at the clinic since she was 16 years old — answers in the affirmative.

When asked what to do if the investigator goes into labor before she returns to the clinic, the counselor advises she “flush it,” but still come back into the clinic to “make sure that everything came out.” She adds, however, that they have “never had a situation like that.”

If it is born on the floor of the investigator’s home, the clinic worker advises, “put it in a bag” and bring it to the clinic.

The counselor adds that if there are issues with the procedure at home, don’t call the hospital, “call us.” The clinic worker explains that the hospital “won’t take you. They won’t touch you, either, because we started it. So whoever starts it has to finish it.”

Another clinic worker highlighted in the video says that if the fetus comes out alive they will send it to a hospital, but that the abortionist does the “termination inside, and then he removes the pregnancy,” to avoid that.

Forty-one percent of pregnancies in New York City end in abortion, the Live Action video explains.

The video is the first in what the pro-life group says will be a series of undercover videos called “Inhumane: Undercover in America’s Late-Term Abortion Industry,” which were shot at clinics that engage in late-term abortions.

“Dr. Kermit Gosnell is not alone,” said Live Action president Lila Rose in a statement. “The gruesome and inhuman practices exposed in Gosnell’s ‘House of Horrors’ are business as usual for the abortion industry in America. These children’s lives are brutally destroyed when they are the most defenseless. This isn’t ‘choice’; this is murder.”


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