Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year 2015 From True Health Is True Wealth


Take a moment to enjoy the beautiful photographic train ride and the accompanying words: HERE. <–

At the end of the year it has become a journalistic tradition to recap the year’s top stories, to recall the highlights and low points of the months and to remember those who have left us.  It is also a time to look forward with hope… This year that reach for hope and improvement seems more difficult than at anytime in my memory.

“It’s Auld Lang Syne time again. Robert Burns is credited with ‘collecting’ the lyrics for the old Scots’ drinking and dancing ballad that’s become a traditional part of New Year festivities. The most memorable verses: "Should old acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind?" and the chorus, "For auld Lang Syne, my dear, for auld Lang Syne, we’ll take a cup of kindness yet, for auld Lang Syne," are oft’ described as reminders of "the good old times" amidst new beginnings. That’s a tough task this year. Saying goodbye to 2013 won’t be hard. But looking forward with hope for a better year in 2014 is a bit of a challenge!”

Happy New Year!

B-Day Card - Chi Martinis

Angel and Annabelle Celebrating… Happy New Year 2012~

(And it is water in that glass… Please no alcohol for your pets!!

And if you possible can… adopt just one more pet (or two) in 2015 or become a pet foster parent and donate to your local shelter.  Our shelters are over-flowing and your help will save a life or perhaps many lives

Wishing you all health, wealth and happiness in 2015 and wishing America the kind of leadership she deserves!

Thanks to our sister site Just One More Pet

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