Thursday, July 3, 2014

Huckabee's EXCLUSIVE interview with Justina Pelletier who was abducted by Mass DCF

Originally Posted on July 1, 2014 by Marion Algier -  Ask Marion

Governor Mike Huckabee played a critical role in getting Justina Pelletier released!

Thomas Sowell:


This arrogant abuse of power (speaking about the IRS in the previous paragraph0 does not end with the federal government. In Massachusetts, teenager Justina Pelletier was taken from her parents’ custody and held virtually incommunicado for over a year, because her parents preferred to continue to have her treated as the physicians at a medical facility associated with Tufts University had treated her, even though shrinks at Children’s Hospital in Boston said her problems were in her head, and took her off some of her medications.

This difference of opinion as to the best medical treatment for Justina Pelletier was enough to get a judge to side with headstrong bureaucrats and override her parents’ rights. So a girl who was ice skating before ended up in a wheelchair under the “care” of shrinks.

Fortunately, enough media attention, especially by former Governor Mike Huckabee on Fox News Channel, finally got this child freed. Perhaps we can hope that all is not lost — yet. But if this case is a symbol of Americans fighting back, it is also a symbol of why it is desperately important to fight back.

That spirit is the best birthday present for America… especially this birthday!

Video: Huckabee’s EXCLUSIVE interview with Justina Pelletier who was abducted by Mass. DCF (6 Mins)

Video: Huckabee’s EXCLUSIVE interview with Justina Pelletier who was abducted by Mass. DCF Part 2 (4:18 Mins)

Video: Huckabee’s EXCLUSIVE interview with Justina Pelletier who was abducted by Mass. DCF Part 3 & 4  (7:24 Mins)

This video includes the Intro, Opening statement and first segment interview – (13:49 Mins)  Justina starts at 4:54 Mins

Video: Kidnapping? – Justina Was Held By Mass DCF For 16 Month Over Medical Disagreement – Huckabee

  Reference: The making of another Justina?

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