Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Her Baby Died During Birth, But Mom Asked To Hold Him; Two Hours Later, She Heard A Gasp

You won’t believe this.  Really.  It’s a miracle.

By Bristol Palin - Patheos

According to the U.K.’s Daily Mail, when Jamie was pronounced dead, the doctor handed him to his mother, Kate, so that she could say goodbye to her son. Kate took Jamie into her arms and tearfully caressed her tiny son.

She and her husband spoke to him, telling him what his name was, and that he had a sister. She told him the things that she had wanted to do with him throughout his life. Kate held Jamie on her chest, skin-to-skin, and occasionally he would gasp – a reflex the doctor said was normal after death.

But Kate held on to Jamie for two hours, cradling and talking to him, and slowly she witnessed him beginning to show signs of life.

You won’t believe what happened next:


Video:  Clinically Dead Baby Revived by Mother’s Touch

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