Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Obama Gives April Fools ObamaCare Speech

Obama's April 1st Rose Garden speech stating that 7.1 MILLION have signed up for, the Affordable Care Act, Obamacare… is the biggest April Fools joke of all!

According to a hush-hush study by the Rand Corporation… only 850,000 ‘previously uninsured’ have paid a dime

Barack Obama spoke about Affordable Care Act enrollment totals at the White House but took no questions, as Vice President Joe Biden stood by wordlessly and applauded

Barack Obama spoke about Affordable Care Act enrollment totals at the White House but took no questions, as Vice President Joe Biden stood by wordlessly and applauded.  The friendly staged audience applauded as well, but not as energetically as one might expect. And, The president took no questions from reporters.

By Marion Algier – AskMarion

An exuberant President Barack Obama declared on Tuesday, April 1st that his signature medical insurance overhaul is a success, saying it has made America's health care system 'a lot better' in a Rose Garden press conference.  He even called it ObamaCare, officially taking ownership of that handle as well as of the bill.  It will be his legacy, good or bad! 

However buried in the supposed 7.1 million enrollments that he announced in a heavily staged appearance is an even more unsettling reality.

The numbers from a RAND Corporation study that has been kept under wraps suggests that barely 858,000 ‘previously uninsured’ Americans, in whose name all this was done, have paid for their new policies and nowhere to join the ranks of the insured by Monday night.  In fact, the CBO reports that in the end after millions lose their healthcare, will be paying more and our system eventually goes to a single-payer socialized medicine system, that will include death panels and a shortage of doctors, there will still be 31 million uninsured.

In fact, many of the others who are included in the 7.1 million, include millions who lost coverage when their existing policies were suddenly cancelled because they didn't meet Obamacare's strict minimum requirements.  But the president still claimed that 'millions of people who have health insurance would not have it' without his insurance law.'

'The goal we’ve set for ourselves – that no American should go without the health care they need ... is achievable,' Obama declared.

The president celebrated the end of a rocky six-month open-enrollment period by taking pot shots at Republicans who have opposed the law from the beginning as a government-run seizure of one-seventh of the U.S. economy.  Curiously he never mentioned HHS Director Sibelius who was sitting in the front row.

Rose Garden no-show: Kathleen Sebelius appeared on an Oklahoma TV station on Monday to buck up Obamacare'€™s flagging numbers in the Sooner State, and had only a blank-stare response to the law's unpopularity -- she was nowhere to be seen as Obama took his victory lap

Rose Garden Stage no-show: Kathleen Sebelius appeared on an Oklahoma TV station on Monday to buck up Obamacare's flagging numbers in the Sooner State, and had only a blank-stare response to the law's unpopularity -- she was nowhere to be seen as Obama took his victory lap

Video: Sebelius Has No Comment After Hearing Oklahoma’s Oppostion to ObamaCare…

'The debate over repealing this law is over,' he insisted. 'The Affordable Care Act is here to stay.'

The president also chided conservatives 'who have based their entire political agenda on repealing it,' and praised congressional Democrats for their partisan passage of the law without a single GOP vote.

'In the end,' Obama warned the GOP, 'history is not kind to those who would deny Americans their basic economic security. ... That's what the Affordable Care Act represents.'

'“The bottom line is this,' said the president: 'The share of Americans with insurance is up, and the growth in the cost of insurance is down. There’s no good reason to go back.'

'We could not have done it without them, and they should be proud of what they've done,' Obama boasted, in a clear nod to November's contentious elections in which Republicans are expected to make large gains on an anti-Obamacare platform because of the law's general lack of popularity. 

We shall see who has the last the laugh when the actual facts and numbers surface.

Republican Senator Barrasso appeared on Fox saying administration has 'cooked the books' on Obama Care numbers!!!!!

Barrasso said on Sunday that the lack of details about Obama Care enrollment numbers suggests the Obama administration has “cooked the books.”;

Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyoming, made his comments just hours before the Monday deadline to enroll in the Affordable Care Act and was skeptical of the administration’s most recent enrollment figure of more than 6 million Americans.

“I don't think it means anything,” he told “Fox News Sunday.” “They are cooking the books on this.”;

Though the enrollment number now appears just a million shy of the administration’s goal of 7 million by the March 31 deadline, Barrasso said Americans who have switched to Obama Care from insurance deemed sub-standard under the Affordable Care Act still don’t know whether they can keep their same doctors. And they don’t know whether their premiums will indeed be more affordable.

Among the other questions are whether enough younger people have enrolled in Obama Care to cover the health care costs of older Americans in the program and how many of those enrolled previously were uninsured.

Maine Sen. Angus King, Independent, said on the show that the enrollment number is now at 6.5 million and that “signups are getting younger every day.”;

However, he acknowledged the administration needs to be more forthcoming about the numbers, as Americans rely on third-party analysis to get much of their information.

“I do think there’s a transparency problem,” said King, adding he would be willing to work on legislation to fix such problems.

Said Barrasso: “I’ve looked at this 10 different ways. This health care law is unfixable.”

And if everything is so grand and on the up and up, Why would Obama be ensuring high prices for Insurance Companies?  RUSH says ObamaCare Is a ‘Direct Wealth Transfer’… 


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