Friday, January 31, 2014

Washington State’s Pending Legislation Seeks To Prohibit Barbaric Muslim Practice Of Young Female Genital Mutilation

Bare Naked Islam:

State of Washington 63rd Legislature 2014 Regular Session
AN ACT Relating to female genital mutilation; amending RCW 26.44.020; adding a new section to chapter 9A.36 RCW; creating a new section; and prescribing penalties. More

Read the entire bill here:

An estimated 130 million young girls have undergone sexual mutilation, mostly in Muslim countries, but now, apparently in Great Britain, Europe, and the USA, too. 

Wake-up America… Wake-up Democrats… It is your party’s politicians, including those in the White House, who support the Muslim Brotherhood and the spread of Islam in this country and are then feeding you the crazy notion of a war on women by Republicans… You are being used and had!

Video: Female Genital Mutilation must end

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