Saturday, January 25, 2014

Propaganda: HHS Claims 3 Million Have Signed Up For Obamacare, Refuses To Say How Many Have Paid For Their Plans…

No, three million people did NOT enroll, this figure couldn’t be more misleading if they tried. These people simply chose a plan on the exchange (in their shopping cart), the back end system is still a mess and that’s what needed for someone to fully enroll by paying their first month’s premium. Sadly, the low-information voters will be at least somewhat swayed by this bogus statistic.

Washington Examiner:

About 3 million Americans have now signed up for insurance through President Obama’s health care law since the debut of the law’s exchanges on Oct. 1, the Department of Health and Human Services said on Friday.

HHS did not specify when the exchanges hit the 3 million mark. Department spokeswoman Joanne Peters replied by email: “We hit 3 (million) this week, don’t have an exact date.” [...]

But there’s also an important caveat. HHS still hasn’t disclosed how many of those who have selected a plan through the health care law have actually paid for it, which is how insurers typically define enrollment.

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