Monday, November 4, 2013

Obamacare Debacle - Many Losing Their Plans - Chris Wallace - Fox News Sunday - 11-3-13

VideoObamacare Debacle - Many Losing Their Plans - Chris Wallace - Fox News Sunday - 11-3-13

Nov 3, 2013:  Another tough week for the Obamacare rollout and the massive number of folks who are having their medical insurance coverage cancelled in the process. This week, FNC's Chris Wallace hosts a highly spirited debate between James Capretta (Ethics & Public Policy Center) and Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel (Former Adviser to President Obama on Obamacare)


Betsy McCaughey: Obamacare designed to vastly expand single payer Medicaid by eviscerating Medicare

Ezekiel Emanuel & The Complete Lives System: part 3 of Health Care: Why We are Scared (Video)

Ezekiel Emanuel, architect of ObamaCare..please read

“Death Panel” Three Years Later

"People 70 and over will not be treated under Obamacare… and you thought DEATH PANELS were gone"  -  Betsy McCaughey recently warned baby-boomers that if they are under 65, they better line up their doctors, at least a primary care physician and an internist, now… because with all the people being enrolled in Medicare/Medicaid under ObamaCare, once they turn 65 and go on Medicaid they will have a hard time finding doctors, if they can find them at all.

She also warned that if they have major surgery, they need to cobble together enough funds for a private nurse for the first night because hospitals are already laying off staff, including nurses.

McCaughey is the author of Beating Obamacare: Your Handbook for the New Healthcare Law, Decoding the Obama Health Law: What You Need To Know (Kindle) and Obama Health Law: What It Says and How to Overturn It (Encounter Broadsides) (Kindle).  She knows of what she speaks!!

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