Thursday, November 14, 2013

Cancelled – Stories Behind HC Policy Cancellations Because of ObamaCare

Independent Woman’s Voice:  I want you to meet Edie Sundby.  This photo of Edie is one of our most recent posts over at

Cross-Posted at AskMarion: For almost seven years now, Edie has fought and beat back stage-four gallbladder cancer.  The five-year survival rate for that form of cancer is 2% after diagnosis.

Edie has survived cancer with the help of great doctors.  But now, thanks to ObamaCare, her insurance has been cancelled.  And, she can't keep the oncologist that has helped her overcome cancer for seven years running.

You can read Edie's full story here in the Wall Street Journal.

At, we're collecting the faces of Obama Care's health insurance cancellations.  If you've had your health insurance cancelled by ObamaCare, take a picture of yourself with your cancellation letter and send it to us at  (We'll make sure you keep all of your private information private!)

Help us fight Obama Care so that people like Edie don't have to lose their insurance and their doctors because of this destructive law.


Carrie Lukas
VP for Policy & Economics
Independent Women's Voice

**There is only one way to stop this disaster known as ObamaCare…  We must vote out every one in 2014 who voted for or supports ObamaCare and then we need to put a Constitutional and Fiscal Conservative in the White House in 2016 who will sort out this mess!

And in the meantime, stand together.  Inform yourself.  And if you are healthy… Do not sign up for ObamaCare

Megyn Kelly - Did Obama win election by lying abt Keeping your Healthcare; Still Lying 2 Cover up 

Wake-Up… ObamaCare Eliminates Your Plan by Design

The Dirty Secret Behind ObamaCare No One’s Talking About

In the Meantime Read: Beating Obamacare

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