Thursday, October 31, 2013

Glenn Beck: "The Available Care Act"

As the Obamacare rollout continued to be marred by poor enrollment numbers and glitches, one former supporter has come forward with a scathing critique of the President’s signature healthcare law. Sue Klinkhamer spent two years fighting for Obamacare while working for Congressman Bill Foster (D-IL). Now that she has seen the effect of President Obama’s healthcare overhaul on her health insurance rates, however, Klinkhamer is openly admitting she was “very wrong.”

“I wouldn’t have sympathy for them, but so many people who were against this [law] are being forced into it now. This is the problem. You can vote and have your little utopia, but unfortunately, if we have a government, a federal government that makes all of the rules, there’s no place for us to go,” Glenn said on radio this morning. “You can have it in Massachusetts. You could have it in California. Try your little utopian experiment. Do it. But leave me out of it. I don’t want anything to do with it. Did you see the letter from the woman who is actually working on the healthcare plan?”

Video: Glenn Beck: "The Available Care Act" (4:15 Mins)

In an email sent to her former boss, Rep. Foster, and other Democratic colleagues, Klinkhamer reportedly wrote:

I spent two years defending Obamacare. I had constituents scream at me, spit at me and call me names that I can’t put in print. The congressman was not re-elected in 2010 mainly because of the anti-Obamacare anger. When the congressman was not re-elected, I also (along with the rest of our staff) lost my job. I was upset that because of the health care issue, I didn’t have a job anymore but still defended Obamacare because it would make health care available to everyone at, what I assumed, would be an affordable price. I have now learned that I was wrong. Very wrong.

According to the Chicago Sun Times, when Klinkhamer lost her congressional job, she had to buy an individual policy on the open market. Three years ago, it was $225 a month with a $2,500 deductible. As of September 1, the policy cost $291a month with a $3,500 deductible.

And then came the letter from her insurance company stating that her policy was no longer in compliance with Obamacare standards.

“Blue Cross,” she said, “stated my current coverage would expire on Dec. 31, and here are my options: I can have a plan with similar benefits for $647.12 [or] I can have a plan with similar [but higher] pricing for $322.32 but with a $6,500 deductible… Blue Cross also tells me that if I don’t pick one of the options, they will just assume I want the one for $647. … Someone please tell me why my premium in January will be $356 more than in December?”

But her rant continued: “I am a Democrat and I believe in health care for all,” she said. “And I was excited that previously uninsured people could now get insurance on the open market. But this is not affordable to me. Just call it the Available Care Act.”

“It won’t be available either,” Stu quipped. “Wait till you get to the doctors lines and all the other stuff. That will take a while. Once that kicks in, it won’t be available.”


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