Sunday, August 18, 2013

How Obamacare is Hurting My Family with Chronically Ill Kids

Video:  How Obamacare is Hurting My Family with Chronically Ill Kids

Aug 14, 2013: Hello… My Name is Pattie Curran and in this video, I explain how Obamacare harms my family and families like mine with sick loved ones.

Since many people don't understand insurance- medication co-pays do NOT go toward our OOP Max, and I don't know many people whose medication co-pays go toward their OOP max. Also, oral surgery, dental and other such things do not go toward the OOP Max. Link to my blog: Liberals are attacking me and I don't care.

Some liberals tell me "Sorry Obamacare is hurting your family, but look how many people is IS helping." That statement is no consolation. It is immoral to push my family into debt under the guise of helping others. If my children die, or harm comes to them, other people being helped will not console me.

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