Friday, June 7, 2013

RUSH: Palin Was Right - There Are Indeed Death Panels In ObamaCare (audio)

Audio: RUSH: Sarah Palin Was Right 'There Are Indeed Death Panels In ObamaCare' 

Former governor and vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin is blasting HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius for becoming a one-woman death panel. Sebelius is denying a young girl a lifesaving lung transplant — forcing the girl’s family to look to the courts for help.

Palin blasted Sebelius on Twitter and Facebook.

In her Facebook post, Palin said recalled how much criticism she received for decrying “death panelsin Obamacare:

The government will bend the rules left and right to harass targeted taxpayers, conservative patriots, selected journalists, etc., but it will strictly exercise inconsistent and subjective rules to deny a child a shot at life. And they called us liars when we spoke of “death panels” – faceless bureaucrats coming between you and your doctor to make life and death decisions about a loved one’s survival. It doesn’t sound so far fetched anymore, does it?

A federal judge has intervened to give hope to a young girl who needs a lung transplant as doctors have only given her weeks to live. HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius received national condemnation after she refused to get involved to help the girl.

Sarah Murnaghan has been hospitalized for three months with end-stage cystic fibrosis. She is not giving up hope. She wants to be a singer, but needs a lung transplant to live. Her parents have been with her constantly while she waits at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

Sarah’s parents asked a federal judge to intervene and order the Obama administration to alter longstanding organ-donation rules so she can get the lung transplant she desperately needs. A report shows the judge has given them hope that she can be put on the adult list.

*Unfortunately because of the delays the dying girl's condition worsens as she awaits lung transplant

**Since this was originally written, the same judge has acted on behalf of a second girl in the same hospital also needing a lung transplant has sued and has been added to the list.

Death Panel a la Sebelius… “Some people live. Some people die.”

Related… Who is HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius?:

Sebelius’ Controversial Fundraising Efforts Raise Concerns, Allegedly Chase Away Potential Donors 

Sebelius: Decrease in Human Beings Will Cover Cost of Contraception Mandate 

Comments More Print Reprints About the Obamacare ‘train wreck’ 

Sebelius Spends Your Taxes On Community Organizations 

Obamacare Architects Rockefeller and Sebelius: Our Bill is Confusing Beyond Comprehension 

ObamaCare: 1,000+ Pages of Socialized Health-Care Rules? Obama’s Private Army? And the Road to Socialism Through Health-Care By Reagan

*Here is Ultra Left Wing HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius’ Spin on the abortion mandates within ObamaCare. (Remember, Sebilius was an ardent supporter of murdered partial birth abortionist, Tiller and her extreme record on abortion has sadly been ignored (or hidden) by the media.) 

Obama Embraces 'Death Panel' Concept in Medicare Rule 

Death Panels are HERE

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