Sunday, March 10, 2013

Butter Verses Margarine Debate

Partially hydrogenated vegetable oil

Butter is NOT bad. It is GOOD! And Margarine - You'd Better Believe It's Not Butter!

Butter Verses Margarine Debate

For many years people have debated the merits of ‘guns versus butter’ as symbols of spending on military might or domestic comfort. But since 1869, another political debate has gone on, this one concerning the merits of margarine versus butter. In that year, a French food chemist succeeded in making a cheap substitute for the real thing, which had become scarce and expensive in the wake of a European cattle plague.  And recently we have been given a definitive answer that was actually covered, although very quickly, on many mainstream media news programs.

The word margarine came from the Greek for "pearl," because the original version was hard, white, and glossy. It also must have been less than appetizing, since it was made from beef fat, milk, and chopped sheep's stomachs and cows' udders, all treated with heat, lye, and pressure.

In its early years, margarine was a meat product which was dependent on the beef and dairy industries and whose main appeal was its low cost relative to butter. In this period, it was exclusively a food of the poor. In the early 1900s, food chemists discovered how to harden liquid oils by reacting them with hydrogen in the presence of metal catalysts and heat. Vegetable and fish oils then became raw materials for margarine, weakening its ties to the meat industry. Manufacturers bought up the cheapest oils they could find throughout the world, reduced them all to bland neutrality through chemical processing, and hardened them into margarine, which remained a food of the poor.

By the 1920s only vegetable oils went into the product, and over the next 30 years, busy food chemists using a host of chemical additives greatly improved the spreadability, appearance, and especially the flavor of margarine, always working toward the goal of greater resemblance to butter.

The improved margarine's appeal was still its lower cost, but now its sales increased enormously, seriously threatening the butter industry. The butter people responded with a bitter and dirty political fight to hamper sales of margarine, but in the end, they were to lose out because of an unforeseen change in consumer perceptions. In our lifetimes, people have come to see margarine not simply as a cheap substitute for butter, but as a healthy alternative to it, and this change has occurred particularly among the educated and affluent. For example, when I look in the refrigerators of fellow physicians, I find margarine instead of butter more often than not.

This new view of margarine, which North Americans now consume four times as much of as butter, developed along with an awareness of the role of saturated fat and cholesterol in producing atherosclerosis, the degenerative condition of arteries that predisposes us to heart attacks, strokes, and other circulatory diseases. Butterfat is the most saturated animal fat in the American diet, and butter contains a lot of cholesterol as well. As doctors became convinced of the dangers of saturated fat and cholesterol, they began to recommend margarine to patients, and the margarine industry capitalized on this development by emphasizing new formulations made exclusively from polyunsaturated vegetable oils, like safflower, corn, and soy. Producers also stressed that margarine contains no cholesterol. So it is that doctors, like other health-conscious Americans, tended to switch from butter to margarine. Many of these people will admit that they prefer the taste of butter but consider margarine better for them.

I do not share this view, and I predict that over the next decade, medical research will demonstrate clear health hazards of eating margarine.

In the first place, it is total fat in the diet that correlates with risk of premature death and disability from the major killing diseases in our society. If there is one undisputed fact that emerges from the confusion of modern nutritional research, it is that typical high-fat diets are killing us. Most people will live longer, feel better, and have less risk of early death from heart disease, stroke, and cancer if they keep their fat intake to well below 30 percent of calories in the diet, preferably in the range of 20 percent. This is much less than most Americans eat. One way to cut down on fat is to avoid both butter and margarine, especially as spreads for bread, and toppings for potatoes and other vegetables. It is easy to learn to like good bread without anything on it and to enjoy fresh vegetables plain or with low-fat sauces.

Second, although the danger to our hearts and arteries from saturated fat in the diet is clear, many people do not understand that the process of hardening vegetable oils by artificial hydrogenation creates saturated fat. In fact, the chemical term "saturation" refers to the percentage of carbon atoms in fats that are bonded fully with hydrogen atoms. The more saturated a fat, the higher the temperature at which it will liquefy.

When stored in the refrigerator, polyunsaturated vegetable oils remain clear and still pour easily. Saturated fats like beef suet, bacon grease, and butter become opaque and hard in the cold. No matter how unsaturated the oils are that go into margarine, they are made more saturated by the very process that turns them into a harder spread. Most brands of margarine do not disclose the percentage of saturated fat they contain, and even though they contain no cholesterol, they still stimulate your body to make cholesterol when you eat them. So the "heart-friendly" advantage of margarine over butter is not so great as advertised. Butter, unless it is certified as "organic," is likely to contain residues of drugs given to cows.

Butter may also contain residues of pesticides and other environmental toxins. All of these compounds tend to concentrate in fat, making high-fat dairy products more dangerous than lowfat or, especially, nonfat ones. Of course, butter is the ultimate high-fat dairy product. Margarine should be free of drugs, but depending on where its oils come from, it may contain pesticide residues and other toxins. It may also have dozens of chemical additives. So on this score, butter and margarine probably rate about the same.

The most significant area of comparison is the different chemical structures of the component fatty acids of the two. Butter is basically a natural product, and its fatty acids are structurally similar to the fatty acids in our bodies. The heat and chemicals used to transform vegetable oils into margarine change fatty acids into unnatural forms that may be most unhealthy to eat.

Unsaturated fatty acids have points of molecular strain, where carbon atoms are connected to each other by double or triple bonds instead of being fully occupied by hydrogen atoms. These strain points determine the three-dimensional configurations of molecules.

In nature, all of these molecules have a curved shape that allows them to fit neatly into the membranes that enclose all cells and many of the structures within them. Chemists call this natural shape the cis-configuration. Heat and harsh chemical treatment can cause unsaturated fatty acids to spring open into a different shape called the trans-configuration, which looks jointed instead of curved.

The body cannot incorporate trans-fatty acids into membranes, and if it tries to do so, deformed cellular structures may result. Eating trans-fatty acids in margarine, vegetable shortening, and partially hydrogenated vegetable oils probably increases cancer risks, promotes inflammation, and accelerates aging and degenerative changes in tissues. I am convinced enough of these possibilities to try to eliminate those fats from my diet.

Many people ask me whether I think it is better to eat butter or margarine. They should be asking whether it is worse to eat butter or margarine, because both are concentrated fats that contribute to the unhealthy excess of fat calories that most of us consume. I don't keep either of them in my house. But if I were forced to make a choice, I'd take the real thing in modest amounts, and I recommend that choice to you as well.

By ANDREW WEIL who teaches at the University of Arizona College of Medicine, has a private medical practice, and is the author of Natural Health, Natural Medicine (Houghton Mifflin, 1990) .

Postsed at NaturoDoc and Cross-Posted at TrueHealthIsTrueWealth

NaturoDoc's Take: Many researchers and physicians have a problem with the recent dietary fad of low-calorie, low-fat dietary advice. Significant physical effects are created by different types of oil and fat. This article correctly identifies major problems with commercial handling of fats and oils. But most low-fat products are high in simple carbohydrates, and the quickly elevated blood sugar from eating these creates even more misery and disease than a high-fat diet.

More ...

Pass The Butter, Please!
--Author unknown, but good truthful information

Did you know that the hydrogenated fat they use in fast food restaurants in the deep-fat fryers was originally designed as candle wax? When it didn't work as planned, they looked for a new use for
it, and found it worked great for frying foods and never going bad.
Margarine was originally manufactured to fatten turkeys. When it killed the turkeys, the people who had put all the money into the research wanted a payback, so they put their heads together to figure out what to do with this product to get their money back.
It was a white substance with no food appeal, so they added the yellow coloring and sold it to people to use in place of butter. More recently, they have come out with some clever new flavorings.

DO YOU KNOW... the difference between margarine and butter?

Both have the same amount of calories. Butter is slightly higher in saturated fats, at 8 grams compared to 5 grams. Eating margarine can increase heart disease in women by 53% over eating the same amount of butter, according to a Harvard Medical School study.
Eating butter increases the absorption of many other nutrients in other foods. Butter has many nutritional benefits, where margarine has a only few, because they are added. Butter tastes much better than margarine, and it can enhance the flavors of other foods. Butter has been around for centuries, where margarine has been around for less than 100 years.

And now, for margarine, which...

  • Is very high in trans-fatty acids.
  • Triples the risk of coronary heart disease.
  • Increases total cholesterol and LDL (the bad cholesterol), and lowers HDL cholesterol (the good cholesterol).
  • Increases the risk of cancers up to fivefold.
  • Lowers the quality of breast milk.
  • Decreases the immune response.
  • Decreases the insulin response.

And here's the most disturbing fact...

Margarine is but ONE MOLECULE away from being PLASTIC. This fact alone is enough to make you want to avoid margarine for life, as well as anything else that is hydrogenated. (This means that hydrogen is added, changing the molecular structure of the substance.)

You can try this yourself:

Purchase a tub of margarine and leave it in your garage or a shaded area. Within a couple of days, you will note a couple of things:
No flies, not even those pesky fruit flies, will go near it. (That should tell you something.) It will not rot or smell differently, because it has NO nutritional value. Nothing will grow on it. Even tiny microorganisms will not a find a home to grow on. Why? Because margarine is nearly plastic.

Would you melt your Tupperware and spread that on your toast?

You'd butter believe it: Margarine consumption is linked to lower IQs in children

It became popular as a healthier alternative to butter.

But children who ate margarine every day had lower IQs than those who did not, a study has found.

At the age of three-and-a-half, they scored three points lower on intelligence tests than other youngsters.

Margarine has been linked to lower IQs in children

Healthy alternative: But margarine has been linked to lower IQs in children

Importantly, the link held even when parental occupation and other factors affecting wealth and class were taken into account, the study of children born in the mid-1990s showed.

By the age of seven, scores were six points lower – but only in children that had been underweight when born, suggesting that diet is particularly important for brain development in the more vulnerable.

Writing in the journal Intelligence, the researchers from New Zealand’s Auckland University said it is unclear what lies behind the link.

However, trans fats may be to blame. The fats have been linked to memory problems in animal tests and may make it harder for the body to process healthier fats.

In the mid-1990s, trans fats formed up to 17 per cent of the mix of some margarines.

Today, however, levels are around 1 per cent – significantly lower than some butters.

The discovery in recent years that the fats clog up the arteries, raising the risk of heart disease, has led to concerted efforts to cut levels in food.

However, the high amounts in the past may have hampered the development of today’s adults.

The researchers, whose study showed that eating fish and cereal boosted intelligence, said: ‘We found a number of dietary factors to be significantly associated with intelligence measures.

The association between margarine consumption and IQ scores was the most consistent and novel finding.’

The researchers said that more work was needed to confirm if trans fats, which are formed when vegetable oil is solidified, were at fault, or if something else was to blame. They said: ‘Children who ate margarine daily had IQ scores that were up to six points lower compared to children who did not.

‘The impact of regular margarine consumption on intelligence now warrants further investigation in order to replicate these findings and to identify possible mechanisms that may underlie this association.’

Sian Porter, of the British Dietetic Association, said that margarine is generally healthier than butter but the high fat content means that both should be used sparingly.

A spokesman for the Food Standards Agency said that trans fat consumption in the UK is now below the recommended levels.

Source: Mail Online


Margarine Has Been Even Been Linked to Lower IQs in Kids

NewsMax Health: Margarine is touted as a healthful alternative to butter, but it may be dumbing down our kids, according to researchers in New Zealand.

Children who ate margarine every day scored 3 points lower on IQ tests at the age of 3 than children who did not, said the researchers at Auckland University in New Zealand.

(Photo: In the early days of margarine, the consumer would receive the while substance resembling lard with a yellow food coloring pill to knead into it before serving, making it more eye appealing and therefore more appetizing.)

By the age of 7, children who were underweight at birth had scores that were up to 6 points lower than those of children who did not eat margarine on a daily basis.

A difference of even 3 points in a child’s IQ easily could make a difference between being classified as “mentally retarded,” which is an IQ score of 70-79 on some charts, instead of “dull normal,” a score of 80 to 90.

“The impact of regular margarine consumption on intelligence now warrants further investigation in order to replicate these findings and to identify possible mechanisms that may underlie this association,” the researchers said.

What lies behind the link? The researchers are not sure — even when socioeconomic factors such as the occupations of the parents were considered, the link still held. They speculate, however, that trans fats may be the culprit.

Trans fats are formed when vegetable oil is solidified, as in the case of margarine, and they raise “bad” cholesterol and lower “good” cholesterol. They have been associated with memory problems in tests with animals, and they make it more difficult to process healthier fats.

Both genuine butter and margarine should be used sparingly because of their high fat content.

Margarine vs. Butter Fact: Margarine consumption in the United States overtook butter in the 1950s

Margarine is touted as a healthful alternative to butter, but it may be dumbing down our kids, according to researchers in New Zealand.

Children who ate margarine every day scored 3 points lower on IQ tests at the age of 3 than children who did not, said the researchers at Auckland University in New Zealand.

By the age of 7, children who were underweight at birth had scores that were up to 6 points lower than those of children who did not eat margarine on a daily basis.

A difference of even 3 points in a child’s IQ easily could make a difference between being classified as “mentally retarded,” which is an IQ score of 70-79 on some charts, instead of “dull normal,” a score of 80 to 90.

“The impact of regular margarine consumption on intelligence now warrants further investigation in order to replicate these findings and to identify possible mechanisms that may underlie this association,” the researchers said.

What lies behind the link? The researchers are not sure — even when socioeconomic factors such as the occupations of the parents were considered, the link still held. They speculate, however, that trans fats may be the culprit.

Trans fats are formed when vegetable oil is solidified, as in the case of margarine, and they raise “bad” cholesterol and lower “good” cholesterol. They have been associated with memory problems in tests with animals, and they make it more difficult to process healthier fats.

Both genuine butter and margarine should be used sparingly because of their high fat content.

Margarine vs. Butter Fact: Margarine consumption in the United States overtook butter in the 1950s

There are many things that have contributed to the dumbing down of America’s children over the past 30 to 40 years… this is just one!

Related Resources:

The Dumbing Down of America Part 1

The Dumbing Down of America Part 11

The Dumbing Down of America Part III

The Dumbing Down of America IV


Perils of Peanuts and Peanut Butter… Even Organic

The recent results of a Harvard Medical School butter verses margarine study confirm ... butter is better!!

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