Monday, February 11, 2013

Obamacare: The epic fail act

TPN:  Here is a major shock.

Even the left is realizing that Obamacare is not going to work.

Of course, the left does not want Obamacare repealed because Obamacare has never been about insurance or even medical care. It has always been about power.

So what do liberals do when they realize they have a problem? The keep digging the hole deeper.

From the LA Times:

As the state moves to expand healthcare coverage to millions of Californians under President Obama's healthcare law, it faces a major obstacle: There aren't enough doctors to treat a crush of newly insured patients.

Some lawmakers want to fill the gap by redefining who can provide healthcare.

They are working on proposals that would allow physician assistants to treat more patients and nurse practitioners to set up independent practices. Pharmacists and optometrists could act as primary care providers, diagnosing and managing some chronic illnesses, such as diabetes and high-blood pressure.

"We're going to be mandating that every single person in this state have insurance," said state Sen. Ed Hernandez (D-West Covina), chairman of the Senate Health Committee and leader of the effort to expand professional boundaries. "What good is it if they are going to have a health insurance card but no access to doctors?"

Hernandez's proposed changes, which would dramatically shake up the medical establishment in California, have set off a turf war with physicians that could contribute to the success or failure of the federal Affordable Care Act in California.

Doctors say giving non-physicians more authority and autonomy could jeopardize patient safety. It could also drive up costs, because those workers, who have less medical education and training, tend to order more tests and prescribe more antibiotics, they said.

Isn’t that typically liberal.

Instead of letting the free market work, Democrats must legislate another failure.

What happens when we run out of Doctors, nurses and Physician assistants?

In California, I’m sure they will just approve witch doctors to do medical treatment.

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