Friday, February 15, 2013

Final Stages of Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer's disease is a progressive degenerative brain disorder. Early symptoms of the disease are difficult to distinguish from the normal signs of aging. Diagnosis & Treatment of Mild to Moderate Alzheimer's Disease As it progresses, the late stage symptoms are clearly identifiable as additional symptoms appear and others worsen.

Severe to Late Stage Alzheimer Disease:


  • Millions of Americans suffer from Alzheimer's disease. The vast majority of these individuals are over the age of 65 but younger-onset Alzheimer's disease can strike individuals who are in their 30s. Treatments available only address the symptoms of the disease; they do not stop or delay its progression and there is no cure.

    The final stage of Alzheimer's disease can last anywhere from three months to three years before death occurs. During the final stage of Alzheimer's disease, the individual can no longer meet any of his own basic needs and depends on family, friends and caretakers to take care of him.

End-Stage Symptoms

  • By the final stage of Alzheimer's disease, the individual has lost the ability to communicate and even the ability to smile. While he may utter understandable words and phrases occasionally, it is the exception rather than the norm and is not willfully done.

    Further, the individual will no longer be able to tend to her own toileting needs and will be incontinent with her bladder and bowels. She will no longer be able to bathe, brush her teeth, brush her hair or dress herself. She will depend on family, friends and caretakers to complete these tasks.

    The individual in the final stage of Alzheimer's will no longer be able to control his movements. If he can still walk, he will need assistance (most people in this stage will be wheelchair-bound or bedridden).

    In this late stage, he or she will also no longer be able to hold her head up independently, and due to muscle atrophy, they will have difficulty swallowing, requiring a diet of pureed foods and will need others to feed them.

    A person in the the last stage of Alzheimer's is no longer able to communicate the fact that she doesn't feel well and must be monitored on a daily basis by family, caregivers and friends for any signs of illness or pain. Fever, appearing pale and changes in behavior are all signs of a potential infection or illness.


  • Once a person is in the final stages of Alzheimer's, he generally requires care on a constant basis. It is important for family members who serve as caregivers to have a strong support network.


  • Doctors determine the appropriateness of hospice care by observing several factors. Not being able to communicate in a meaningful way and no longer being able to walk are criteria doctors use to determine when to order hospice care. A third factor is if the person is diagnosed with a dementia-related health issue, such as aspiration pneumonia, urinary tract infections and weight loss.

    When hospice care becomes necessary, family members face making decisions about resuscitation orders (DNRs), feeding tubes and ventilators. Hospice care, after all, focuses on end-of-life comfort, not prolonging life. Ideally, though, it's best to make these decisions upon the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease.


  • Conventional medicine takes a drug centered approach. (See the Rockefeller Drug Empire)  If you really want to challenge this disease a holistic approach might be the answer… before the onset or at the early stages, and for some even at the moderate or late stages. (See Dr. Blaylock below). Centers like Sanoviv focused on finding the source of illnesses, cleansing the body and natural healing one might find answers and even cures with programs like: Sanoviv recommended program "NeuroRepair" and "CCSVI".
  • The survival rate for patients with late stage Alzheimer's is one to two and a half years.
  • New medications are available to help slow the rate of the disease and the amount of harm done, but there is not cure and it will continue to progress, to the question is slowing the inevitable when someone is suffering the right decision?
  • According to the Alzheimer's Disease Education & Referral Center (ADEAR), scientists have identified at least two genes that seem to be related to an increased risk in developing Alzheimer's. A healthy lifestyle, including a robust social life, are suggested as ways to prevent or delay Alzheimer's.


7 Alzheimer's Triggers by Dr. Blaylock – definitely worth listening to!!

Find Dementia Care

Games for Alzheimer's

Alzheimer's Homes

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