Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Health Tip For 2013: Go All Natural — Ditch The Artificial Sweeteners!

10 tips new years artificial sweeteners ditch

Everyone makes a New Year's resolution to be healthier, but precious few actually follow through on it!

But what if there were simple ways you could improve your health?

Dietician Julieanna Hever says there are, and she has ten amazing tips for staying healthy in 2013!

Here's one!

Eliminate all artificial sweeteners.

This includes stevia, sugar alcohols, and the stuff in brightly colored packets at restaurants. They are designed to be hundreds- to thousands of times sweeter than sucrose (table sugar). Replacing sugar with these products increases sweet cravings, confuses your hormones, and most likely helps you keep on or even gain weight. Opt for whole food sweeteners like 100% pure maple syrup, date syrup, date paste, and fruit purees. In three weeks or less, your cravings will subside, your taste buds will recover, and you will notice you are now sensitive to the sweetness of natural foods.


The Aspartame Trap: You May Be Unknowingly Ingesting this Toxic Sweetener

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