Monday, November 5, 2012

Healthcare, Financials, Defense Stocks in Play as Voters Head to Polls

ELECTION 2012 LAST CHANCE TO REPEAL OBAMACARE… VOTING FOR ROMNEY-RYAN on November 6th: Healthcare, Financials, Defense Stocks in Play as Voters Head to Polls - Wall Street Journal

Investors keen to do some stock picking on Election Day have a massive landscape to consider as voter decisions at the ballot box have the potential to shake up major industries from healthcare to financials and beyond, while ballot measures in individual states put other stocks in play.

At the top of that list is President Barack Obama's signature 2010 healthcare overhaul, which Mitt Romney has pledged to repeal if he is made president.

While full repeal may prove challenging depending on how Tuesday's election shakes out in Congress, the law--major parts of which don't go into effect until 2014--could ...

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5 Effects Obamacare Will Have on Working Americans

March 23rd Second Anniversary of ObamaCare… March 26th a Future Day in American Infamy?

Did You Get Your ObamaCare Letter Yet?

Thanks Obamacare: 83% of Doctors Surveyed Say They May Quit

Obama Gets Civilian Army In Healthcare Bill

Obamacare Now Estimated to Cost $2.6 Trillion in First Decade

Killing Obamacare Before It Kills Us – Part 1: The Political Battlefield

“Death Panel” Three Years Later

Do you have a gun in your house? Your Doctor wants to know and so does the government.

GAO Report: White House Intentionally Delayed Obamacare’s Cuts To Medicaid Until After 2012 Election…

Lawyers Have Already Drafted 13,000 Pages of Regulations for New ObamaTax Law

Obamacare Has Literally Replaced the Constitution

Meet the ObamaCare Mandate Committee

Obamacare rationing panels an ‘immediate danger to seniors’: former AMA president

Obamacare’s Second Anniversary: No Gift for Seniors

IPAB Spells Gloom And Doom For Medicare - Just yesterday (03.22.12) the House of Representatives voted to repeal key 'Obamacare' provision” IPAB (the CLASS ACT has also been nullified)

Catholic Groups File Against Obama Contraception Mandate – ‘Pro-Choice’ Americans At Record Low, Poll Finds

Obamacare to Herd Disabled Seniors to Bare-Bones Medicaid Plans

Obama Lies, Taxes Rise

Settling the Question of a Real Estate Tax in Obamacare

"Taxmageddon" in 2013? Can We Avoid It? Can You Afford It?

Verichip (RFID) Implants are coming, now they will have your credit and social security info connected to... part of HC Bill

RFID Chip for all Americans in 2013 as Part of ObamaCare… See Biden Telling Fed Judge He Will Have to Rule on Implanted Microchips

RFID Implant Law Hidden in Obummercare Implementation 2013 -

Update on RFID: There is definitely a provision in the ObamaCare law, whose wording is purposely vague, for a database and tracking of implanted medical devices – pacemakers, artificial joints, things that are surgically implanted to bring function back to as close to whole as possible that could eventually lead to the mark of the beast technology. But after some additional research, it appears that the regulations for this have ‘not’ been written, and probably won’t be by year end, since they are behind on so many others. This means it probably won’t happen in 2013… but if ObamaCare remains and Obama is re-elected, it is only a matter of time. Luckily since it will require lots of compliance on this piece from the device manufacturers and importers, and they’re about to get hit with sales taxes, they probably won’t be implementing much else for a while, since they must get set up for all that mayhem of reporting requirements. This is another bullet dodge for a while to give Americans the opportunity to turn things around. We know it is part of the plan: Joe Biden mark my words (RFID). The question is when will they implement… if we don’t reboot and get rid of both ObamaCare and Obama as President.

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