Saturday, October 13, 2012


Oct 12, 2012

Steve Quayle: Today my wife went to the Doctors office for some check-ups and she was getting tired of being asked for her ID and insurance card as this was the third time in a month. They already have her name on file and the receptionist is familiar with her so she was a bit irate of this constant asking of her ID and she let it be known that she is getting tired of this police state of having to know who you are, and run your information again and again through the system. And the head receptionist leaned over and tapped the camera and said "pretty soon your not going to have to worry about those cards because you're going to have and RFID implant chip" and she was serious NOT JOKING!

My wife said "BS not this girl not ever, no way no how not happening" and then the receptionist said "WELL YOU MAY NOT KNOW WHAT YOU ALREADY HAVE IN YOUR BODY" and my wife said " well I know BETTER than to take INOCULATIONS OR FLU SHOTS ETC" but she still didn't seem convinced so my wife said " Your probably right Obama care will see to it that the majority gets chipped, but I'm here to tell you if it ever gets to that point and I am deathly ill with any kind of disease or any illness I won't seek treatment if it requires a chip , I will go and die in the wilderness like an animal" so my wife then asked her "what would you do if YOU have to take a RFID chip?" and she wouldn't answer her. So my wife asked again "I am serious what will be your response if you are forced to take one of those chips"? and the lady then did the "lips are seal gesture" and followed with saying " I have already said too much" and my wife said "yes you being in the public sector like this need to watch what you say to people" and she said "yes being in this office and also that I'm MILITARY I really need to watch what I say". My wife then said "military or not they won't tell me what to do ever, because there is only ONE person in this world that I will EVER BOW to and that is JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF AND NO OTHER MAN OR BEING"
My wife then said " I will die on my feet fighting this BS then begging for my life on my knees" and they all then shut up... But some of the girls in the office that worked in the office were concerned and said that this is all getting very scary. My wife then said it is BIBLICAL what is happening and people who don't understand it need to read the Bible because it is all in there.

My wife got so upset she almost walked out of the office, but she had to remain there to proceed with her test results.

This morning we were watching the video that was on your site Steve with Paul Begley about the implementation of the RFID and the School in Texas, and then this happened... To us it was AFFIRMATION from God that it is all getting very close as obvious as it is... This all happened in Colorado Springs. But we all know that Colorado Springs is home of the Military Industrial Complex. This is nothing new to both her and myself but to hear this from the doctors office was VERY TROUBLING....

God Bless and Praise the Lord Jesus Christ

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RFID Implant Law Hidden in Obummercare Implementation 2013

Did You Get Your ObamaCare Letter Yet?

All Americans Will Receive a Microchip Implant in 2013 Per ObamaCare

Christian Family Refuses Mandatory RFID Chip at Texas School

RFID Chip for all Americans in 2013 as Part of ObamaCare… See Biden Telling Fed Judge He Will Have to Rule on Implanted Microchips

Buying and Selling in an RFID Chip for the First Time – VeriChip Changes Its Name

Global Elite Using Obesity Vaccines to Alter Minds and Curb Consumption

The ‘new chip’… especially for you!

Buying and Selling in an RFID Chip for the First Time – VeriChip Changes Its Name

Verichip (RFID) Implants are coming, now they will have your credit and social security info connected to... part of HC Bill

Video: Smart card (made 2005)

Checkout: ObamaCare Survival Guide

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