Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Patient OPTION Act: True Patient-Centered Care


As we eagerly await the upcoming Supreme Court decision here at FreedomWorks, we’ve been reviewing our favorite bills to repeal and replace ObamaCare.

One of the most comprehensive “replace” bills we’ve seen so far is the Patient OPTION Act (H.R. 4224) introduced by Congressman Paul Broun, M.D. (R-GA). The Patient OPTION Act fully repeals and replaces ObamaCare with a system that puts more choice and freedom in the hands of the patient. Rather than focusing on “expanding coverage”—a goal that puts policymakers in a trap that inevitably leads to more centralized government control, a la ObamaCare—this plan focuses on two commonsense goals: (1) reduce costs through greater choice and competition, (2) expand individual liberty.

For more information about this bill, including a summary of its major provisions, you can view our guide to the Patient OPTION Act.

TAKE ACTION: Urge your Members of Congress to cosponsor the Patient OPTION Act!

application/pdf iconPatient_OPTION_Act_Summary.pdf - 657.14 KB


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