Monday, April 9, 2012

Austin’s Fluoridated Water Supply is Poisoning Our Children | Should Austin’s infants and children be drinking our tap water when it tastes moldy and more like the bottom of Lake Austin than healthy, pure water? 

But this should be a concern for all Americans, fluoride is added to the water systems of more water districts throughout American than not and with more and more people moving to Texas and Austin specifically, it could be a direct problem for more and more people moving there!

Video:  Austin's Fluoridated Water Supply is Poisoning Our Children

Should Austin’s infants and children be drinking our tap water when it tastes moldy and more like the bottom of Lake Austin than healthy, pure water? According to the Environmental Working Group, Austin’s tap water exceeds the EPA’s health limits for chlorinated compounds, lead, and coliform bacteria.

Also, many may not be aware that City Council distributes a one size fits all medication, fluoride, through our water supply. Because of the distribution method for fluoride, children and adults get the same amount in a glass of water.

And, because there is no dose adjustment or control for size, weight, height, or sensitivity, fluoride causes multiple side effects such as dental fluorosis, hypothyroidism, osteosclerosis and the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) has issued a powerful Resolution against fluoridation.

In addition, the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) of the fluoride chemical, hydrofluorosilicic acid, that is added to Austin’s water supply, recently included a health warning for children.


How Prolonged Ingestion of Fluoridated Drinking Water Damages The Brain

How to Detox Fluorides from Your Body

Don’t Drink the Water

Dumbing Down Society Part I: Foods, Beverages and Meds

Aluminum + Fluoride = Alzheimer’s and Dementia


Additional related posts at

  1. CDC adjusts fluoride poisoning of America’s water supply to a lower level
  2. Pinellas County Commission votes to stop putting fluoride in water supply
  3. ADA study confirms dangers of fluoridated water, especially for babies
  4. Mobile fluoride vans to target communities that voted to remove chemical from public water supply
  5. World Health Organization: Fluoridate Water-Supply Population-Specifically
  6. New Hampshire bills would ban foreign substances & fluoride from water supply
  7. Fluoridated water now reaches nearly 70% of U.S. population
  8. World Fluoridated Water Map
  9. Too Much Fluoride in the Drinking Water
  10. Calgary removing fluoride from water supply
  11. Judge ok’s adding fluoride to city’s tap water supply – despite overwhelming public opposition
  12. Teenagers want fluoride-free water

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