Friday, March 9, 2012

Simple Guidebook Designed by a Registered Dietitian for WalMart Shopping - Please Vote

Eat Healthy by Shopping at Walmart

Please vote for the nutrition guidebook created for Walmart's Get on the Shelf competition by a the daughter of a good friend of ours!

If she wins her product/book will be put on Walmart's shelves. The voting dates for the first round of voting are from March 7th to April 3rd and you are allowed to vote once a day.

Her guidebook "Eat Healthy by Shopping at Walmart" is posted at Below is a video posted that describes her product with instructions on how to vote. You can either vote through Facebook or text 3805 to 383838.

Video: Vote to Get on the Shelf

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In the entrant's words:

A simple guidebook designed by a registered dietitian to show shoppers that with some planning and preparation they can maintain a healthy diet by taking advantage of the convenience and low prices offered by Walmart.

Source: Getontheshelf

Young entrepreurs are our future and eating better (cheaply) should be all our goal for our health as well as the health of our pocketbooks in the present economy.

Thanks in advance for your votes!

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