Monday, February 20, 2012

Not Even the Nazis and the Communists Tried To Control What their Subjects Ate


What kind of country do we now live in. Children have their lunches taken away by the state because the lunches don't comply with what some nanny with a badge thinks is a proper meal.

I can't get fries for my kids when we go to the Olive Garden now because they have voluntarily removed fries from their menu.

And now we see that overweight Michelle Obama is going around getting candy companies to restrict their candy offerings.

The Nazis and the Communists were all-time control freaks. But not even they thought to control what their subjects ate.

As far as I can recall, what is going on right now in our country is a first. No dictatorship has ever tried to control the diet of its citizens probably because they suspected that doing so might cause a revolt.

But what do we Americans do. We sit by and take it. If George III could see what is going on now in America, he would laugh and rue the fact that he was born there centuries too early.

Healthy eating is a good thing, but many feel that the goal of all the health and wellness is tied into what they can find that is wrong with people so they can implement EUGENICS. Whether it comes to that point is a discussion for another day… but the present administration is definitely over-reaching in all areas of our lives!

Perhaps today… George Washington’s Birthday… President’s Day is a good day to reflect on just how long it will take the majority to wake-up, how much we are willing to take and whether we will wake-up in time to save our Country and the system our Founding Father’s gave so much for, in order to give to us Freedom.

h/t to the FreeRepublic where to can check out the comments.

One that was made over and over again was that our children are being taught about sex, sex positions, sodomy and the gay lifestyle in school, but they can’t eat potato chips.  Wake-up America.  Our former presidents and Founding Fathers are spinning in their graves!!

Sex Ed Hits the Road - Look at these CA 5th Grader’s Faces and then ask yourself with a reaction like that to the basics… why is CA talking about burdening and sexualizing Kindergartners with “gay curriculum”? Stop over-sexualizing our children!!

Remember that little girl who was forced to have (yucky) chicken nuggets instead of her mommies (yummy) turkey and cheese sammich? **Update** School Busted Lying


Just the Facts: State (nugget pushers) vs. Federal (science-based) School Nutrition Programs

Scientists Find Arsenic in US Baby Formula Sweetener: FDA Doesn't Know


Fed Instructs Teachers to Facebook Creep Students

Keving Jennings (Safe Schools Czar) is teaching your kids to live the porn life

Breaking:  Obama’s “Safe Schools Czar” Promoting Child Porn in the Classroom…

Wake-up America… the hour is later than you think… much later!!!

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