Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Michelle Obama – The Fat and the Furious…

What the First Lady eats or doesn’t eat would normally not be an issue worthy of much attention if not for the fact she has clearly linked her national campaign against obesity with her husband’s freedom-breaking Obamacare initiative that has doctors looking over their shoulders awaiting government approval over what procedures can and cannot be performed on their patients and parents looking over their shoulders wondering what they can and cannot feed their own children.

In recent days, we have learned Michelle Obama has successfully convinced Mars Candy to make smaller candy bars. Prior to this the First Lady has been aggressively working to reform school lunch programs with a veiled threat of loss of federal dollars to school districts who don’t comply with her demands. This environment has led to schools actually spending time monitoring not just student lunches – but lunches brought from home. This has even led to some schools initiating bans on lunches made by good old Mom – no more brown bagging it for school kids in the healthy at all costs age of Michelle Obama. Further influence by the Obama government has been brought down upon the heads of the restaurant industry to make their menu options “healthier”.

But what of Michelle Obama herself? A just released report of yet another recent lavish White House party reveals the First Couple devouring a smorgasbord of high calorie food that is in direct contrast to the First Lady’s public campaign of healthier eating. Such “do as I say not as I do” stories have become increasingly common of late – but here’s another menu list to prove yet again the repeated hypocrisy of the people currently inhabiting the White House:

White wine

Bread and butter

Crab mac and cheese

Ribeye steak 12oz

Creamed spinach

Garden salad

Pear tart with ice cream

Ribeye steak 12oz

Creamed spinach

Garden salad

Pear tart with ice cream

It all sounds quite delicious – though hardly a menu that lends any semblance of credibility to Michelle Obama’s goal of forcing Americans to shape up. Apparently she is pleased enough with her own shape to continue eating away at that steak, butter, and crab mac and cheese – with a bit of ice cream to wash it all down at the end.

It all fits so well with what the Obama administration has been spoon – feeding America from the moment it took office…BULLSH-T.

Source:  The Ulsterman Report

Related: The Obamas… “Let Them Eat Cake” or Is That Drink Tea? – Updated

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