Saturday, December 3, 2011

Congress Designates Chron's & Colitis Awareness Week

CCFA is proud to announce that the Senate has passed a resolution to make December 1 - 7 Crohn's & Colitis Awareness Week!

S.Res.199 - A resolution supporting the goals and ideals of "Crohn's and Colitis Awareness Week".

This is an important step toward recognizing the 1.4 million Americans living with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, and it commends the dedication of health care professionals and biomedical researchers.

"The passage of this resolution will give hope to the millions of Americans, including a growing number of young children, who struggle with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis that we will continue to focus our attention on these very difficult diseases," said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV).

What better way to celebrate than by raising awareness? You can take action by asking your legislators to join the Congressional Caucus in the House. And if you haven't already, be sure to "like" us on Facebook and follow on Twitter for more Awareness Week updates.

This hits home… Our 21-year-old daughter had to have her entire colon removed. She had suffered from IBD – colitis since age 15.  In her junior year in college she spent a semester taking part in the Semester at Sea Program.  About halfway through their travels they encountered a Japanese encephalitis outbreak and vaccines were encouraged.  I believe that the vaccine exacerbated her condition. We tried a stint at an alternative medicine clinic to avoid surgery but her condition worsened and she had to drop out of college because she was in and out of the bathroom, in constant pain and then in and out of the emergency room and hospital.

She had an ileostomy with a temporary external bag and within 4-months she was healed, the external bag was gone and she was skiing in Utah for New Years and then went to a Semester at Sea long weekend reunion before going back to college.

She has since graduated as a commercial dance major and has (knock on wood) had very few post-surgery problems.  Ask Marion~

For information on IBD, Chrons and Colitis go to: Chron’s & Cilitis Foundation of America

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