Sunday, December 11, 2011

Alert: Hallmark now distributing vaccine shot compliance cards targeting newborns across America

(NaturalNews) The Arizona Department of Health Services wants to remind parents to inject their newborn babies with neurologically-damaging chemical adjuvants found in vaccines, and to aid in this effort, they've teamed up with Hallmark, the famous greeting card company.

Hallmark has designed and provided a special "vaccine shot tracking" card -- an "Immunization Record" -- that features the following vaccine propaganda:

Bet you're as proud as you can be of that new little branch
on your family tree!

One of the most important roles as a parent is to make sure your baby is immunized. Keeping your little one healthy mean starting immunizations by two months of age.

...The following immunizations are recommended before the age of 2...

See the inside of the card yourself at:

And the outside of the card here:

The outside also adds:
Hallmark is committed to encouraging childhood immunizations... for additional information on the program, go to and search "for America's babies"

For America's babies?

Maybe you should instead search for "death for America's babies." That's what these vaccines often cause, of course: Death, seizures, neurological damage, autism, fevers, vomiting and much more (

I find it fascinating that Hallmark, a greeting card company that usually churns out feel-good blessings and warm fuzzy limericks is now openly advocating chemicals that kill babies.
And they can't even claim to be "saving" more children than the vaccines are killing, either. Because it turns out that unvaccinated children are overall far healthier than vaccinated children! (

Targeting Latino newborns? Si! Se puede!

But of course, we know the real agenda of pushing vaccines to new moms in Arizona. I lived in Tucson for many years and I've seen the local politics at work. Arizona is a state that's overrun by the financial costs of providing medical care to so-called "illegals" -- undocumented residents who pay little or no taxes but often burden the state's coffers for hospital expenditures.

What I see in this Hallmark vaccine shot propaganda card is an effort to promote widespread infertility across the Latino population of Arizona. That's what vaccines do best, of course -- induce infertility in both men and women. That's why Bill Gates, the ultra-wealthy globalist behind the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, specifically stated that vaccines and health care services could be used to "reduce population by 10 - 15 percent." (

Perhaps Arizona Governor Jan Brewer agrees with that assessment. What better way to reduce Arizona's financial burden on the Latino community than to make sure as many as possible get sterilized at the earliest available opportunity?

All the better that the entire campaign can be shrouded in the language of "caring for your precious little baby." You mean the baby that cost the state of Arizona a hundred thousand dollars in emergency childbirth expenses that will never be repaid? That's the kind of baby the state wants to prevent from ever happening again, it turns out. That's what the state politicians are saying behind closed doors, in reality.

They figure you can't just force all the Latinos to be sterilized by injection. So instead, you have to trick them into sterilizing their own little children. Nothing halts the family tree as quickly as a few rounds of voluntary vaccine shots for momma and daughter. And heck, even if the shots don't kill 'em, the child will have a weakened immune system which translates into a lifetime of Big Pharma revenue from sickness and disease.

Everyone AROUND your baby should get vaccinated, too!

Continuing the propaganda push, the AZ Department of Health Services includes yet another piece of printed propaganda, claiming that everyone around your baby must also get vaccinated with multiple vaccine shots.

See that insert here:

So now you're supposed to push every member of the family to go get vaccinated for the benefit of the baby!

See how this works? So cousin Jorge, who is about to impregnate another Latino teen, can get sterilized too. It's sort of like a viral form of socially-enforced sterilization, brought to you by the wonderful people at the state of Arizona and Hallmark, headquartered in Kansas City.

Newborns targeted in Colorado, too

NaturalNews has learned that Hallmark is also conspiring with Colorado officials to push vaccine shot compliance cards onto new moms across that state, too.

In a recent press release, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment proclaimed it would:

"...distribute custom-made Hallmark greeting cards statewide to welcome newborns and inform new parents about the importance of childhood immunizations." (
No doubt other states are also working on similar programs to distribute Hallmark's vaccine compliance propaganda to the new moms in their own states.

The great medical IQ test

What's most interesting about all this is that people who choose to receive vaccine shots are all winning the Darwin award by effectively removing their own future generations from the gene pool. These vaccines create a trans-generational sterilization burden that increases with each successive generation until it brings newborns to the point of genetic extinction ( That's why I've called flu shots a "great IQ test" to see who is stupid enough to actually take them. In a way, the globalists are actually trying to reverse the "moronification" of the human race by eliminating low-IQ people from the future of human fertility.

And it turns out that gullible people who inject their own children with toxic vaccines come from all races and nationalities: White, black, Latino, Asian, you name it! That's why vaccines, as they are irresponsibly pushed on children today with the use of brain-damaging chemical adjuvants, are really a crime against humanity.
You can surround these crimes with warm and fuzzy language in a Hallmark card, but that doesn't make it any less of a crime, of course. It's still a chemical assault on an innocent child, and that's a crime no matter how many fuzzy bears and cuddly cartoons you slap on the front of a greeting card.

In the mean time, I recommend we all boycott Hallmark for their role in pushing dangerous and often deadly vaccines onto newborns in Arizona. It's yet another example of shameful corporate behavior that betrays the trust of the people while serving the selfish interests of the State.

Video: Gardasil Vaccine, Injection of Death!: Dr. Sherri Tenpenny Reports 2/2

Learn more:

Articles Related to This Article:

Facebook crowdsourced investigation exposes vaccine denials of SIGA Technologies
Evidence-based vaccinations: A scientific look at the missing science behind flu season vaccines
Institute of Medicine adverse reactions report admits MMR vaccines cause measles, seizures, anaphylaxis and other health problems
Flu vaccines revealed as the greatest quackery ever pushed in the history of medicine
NaturalNews exposes secret vaccine industry ties and military involvement with Institute of Medicine, reveals fatal conflicts of interest at IoM
7 reasons schools should NOT mandate vaccines

Learn more:

Why is the Government Now Recommending the HPV Vaccine for Boys?

Cervarix Just as Dangerous as Gardasil  -  Other Informative Links Here

Do yourself a favor… Do some homework on Autism, H1N1, flu shots, HPV and Gardasil on your own on the Internet… Good sites to begin at: 

Natural News, True Health Is True Wealth, Dr. Mercola and InfoWars for a start.

Video:'s Death by Medicine

--> Bill Gates Confirms Population Reduction Through Vaccination on CNN  <--

And if you think it is bad now… just wait until ObamaCare goes into affect in full force~

The Bill has already passed in California’s State House and Senate and Gov. Jerry Brown has said he would sign it to vaccinate children without their parents’ permission.  Wake-up, California… America!

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