Monday, November 7, 2011

Merck’s Profits Explode as Government-Backed HPV Shot Gardasil Sales Skyrocket

Anthony Gucciardi  -  NaturalSociety

Mega drug manufacturer Merck & Co. is reporting a major increase in third-quarter profits due in part to the skyrocketing sales of death-linked HPV shot Gardasil – up 41 percent to $445 million thanks to government backing and a hugely successful yet deceptive ad campaigns targeted at unsuspecting parents and children. The overall value of Merck shares rose 80 cents, or 2.3 percent, to $35.11. The numbers are up from a year ago, when the company was hit with huge acquisition and legal charges. Of course behind  the monetary surge in Gardasil sales is the horribly corrupt marketing and political techniques used to boost Merck out of economic downfall.

When it comes to Gardasil, Merck is more concerned about pushing the shot on children and generating a profit than examining the true effects of the shot.

Merck pushes Gardasil on children through omission of facts, political bribery, and blatant lies

How could Merck sell Gardasil in such high quantities despite documentation linking it to  3,589 harmful reactions and 16 deaths between May 2009 and September 2010 alone? Well, Merck likes to pretend that the death link does not exist. Furthermore, Merck uses monetary incentive, also considered bribery, to ensure that Gardasil legislation is swiftly passed by key legislators. Because when it comes to generating profit, Merck has no concern for the health of the individual — especially the target demographic of boys and girls between the ages of 11 and 12.

In order to push Gardasil as a “safe” vaccine, Merck will go as far as to blatantly lie about the side effects of the HPV shot in magazine ads, website banner ads, and even on the official Gardasil website. In my special report on Gardasil ads, I documented how Merck supplements the real known side effects of Gardasil such as death and Guillain-Barre Syndrome for less threatening ones such as headache and nausea.

As for political bribery, Merck has been caught by Cal Watchdog supplying key California legislators with thousands of dollars. Of course these key legislators were instrumental in the passing of the Gardasil bill that now allows for 12 year old children to decide whether or not they would like to be injected with the Gardasil vaccine without any parental consent. Given deceptive information about the HPV shot Gardasil, it is reasonable to believe that these young children would consider the shot to be relatively harmless. Unfortunately, those who do not follow health news are oftentimes in the dark over Gardasil dangers.

The dangers of Gardasil are so extensive that a timeline has been made documenting just the past several months in developments. As more information continues to come out, Merck may soon see a significant decrease in Gardasil profits.


Why is the Government Now Recommending the HPV Vaccine for Boys?

The Gardasil Timeline: A History of Corruption and Negative Reactions

Exposed: Illinois Law Financially Penalizes Schools When Vaccination Rates Drop Below 90%

Gardasil – If A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words, Then A Video Report, Or Two, Or Three, or SEVEN…

Merck Vaccine Scientist Dr. Maurice Hilleman Admitted Presence of SV40, AIDS and Cancer Viruses in Vaccines

Rick Perry - Lies About Dying Woman and His HPV Decisions

Bill Gates Confirms Population Reduction Through Vaccination on CNN

Video: Gardasil & Vaccine Dangers: Coast to Coast AM – Oct 20, 2011 – George Noory

Vaccinations: A Thoughtful Parent's Guide: How to Make Safe, Sensible Decisions about the Risks, Benefits, and Alternatives

ALERT:  Anthrax Vaccine to be Tested on Children

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