Thursday, November 17, 2011

Cervarix Just as Dangerous as Gardasil

Anthony Gucciardi

Activist Post

It seems that GlaxoSmithKline's alternative to deadly Gardasil is just about as unsafe, with one 13-year-old entering into a ‘waking coma’ only one day after receiving a Cervarix vaccination. She now sleeps for 23 hours per day, after being unable to walk or talk after receiving the HPV shot at school.

Told that the vaccine had very few side-effects and would protect their daughter from cervical cancer, parents Steve and Pauline Hinks allowed their young daughter to receive the shot as any unsuspecting parents would. Even after their daughter experienced adverse reactions from the MMR vaccine, the parents were urged by nurses to let their daughter receive the Cervarix jab.

Her mother explained:

"I was concerned about the potential side-effects because Lucy had a severe reaction from the MMR vaccine. But I was reassured by the school nurse that side-effects were extremely unlikely. We feel betrayed because, like most parents, we trust the health authorities with our children’s lives."
Similar Gardasil stories have been reported, and it is no coincidence that these parents initially believe the vaccine to be safe and effective. In a recent report centered around Merck’s advertising campaign, it was found that there was absolutely no mention of the Gardasil death link, or even other serious adverse reactions that been continually reported after injection.

Their daughter was reported to be in excellent health before the shot, and was among the top students in her year.
Cervarix is given to girls aged 12 and 13 under a nationwide program which started in September 2008. Already linked to 4,445 side effects, a number of which have been quite severe, parents who do not want to subject their child to the shot must opt out. Interestingly, the 4,445 side effects occurred within the program’s first 2 years, such adverse reactions included:

  • 1,669 reports of ‘injection-site reactions’
  • 1,013 reported allergic reactions and rashes
  • 3,591 other ‘recognized reactions’ including 631 cases of nausea and 629 headaches
  • 4 cases of nerve disease Guillan-Barre Syndrome, which can lead to paralysis and even death.

Of course many of these reported side effects are quite mild, and it may soon come out that there are a number of hidden deaths and more significant adverse reactions associated with Cervarix. Such was the case with Gardasil, with FDA documents released through the Freedom of Information Act detailing 26 previously unknown deaths associated with the HPV shot.

It is quite apparent that Cervarix is not a safe alternative to Gardasil.

Explore More:

  1. Gardasil Victims Take Legal Action Against Merck Over Miscarriage, Deadly Reactions
  2. Advisory Panel Urges CDC to Push Gardasil on Young Boys
  3. Merck’s Profits Explode as Government-Backed HPV Shot Gardasil Sales Skyrocket
  4. 49 Dead, Others Hospitalized After Gardasil HPV Vaccine
  5. Uncovered FDA Documents Reveal 26 More Gardasil Deaths
Please visit Natural Society for more great health news and vaccine information.


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Video: Gardasil & Vaccine Dangers: Coast to Coast AM – Oct 20, 2011 – George Noory

Vaccinations: A Thoughtful Parent's Guide: How to Make Safe, Sensible Decisions about the Risks, Benefits, and Alternatives

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Cross-Posted at Ask Marion

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