Saturday, October 22, 2011

Interesting: Right to Life President: Komen Tied to Abortion Industry

The president of the National Right to Life Committee has penned a new column in which she says the Susan G. Komen for the Cure breast cancer foundation is tied to the abortion industry by virtue of its support for Planned Parenthood.

Carol Tobias writes in Legatus, the magazine for Catholic business professionals, that it is natural for Americans to want to help Komen because of the connection most people have to breast cancer, which affects hundreds of thousands of women on an annual basis.

“Almost everyone in America knows a woman who has had breast cancer. Some of those beloved friends and family members may have died from it. So when an organization like Susan G. Komen for the Cure conducts fundraising projects for research, it’s difficult to say no,” Tobias writes. “We’re encouraged to help by buying a certain brand of yogurt or a certain soft drink. Pink ribbons pop up on products everywhere. We can buy items we would normally buy and feel good about helping find a cure.”

But Tobias questions the connection between Komen and Planned Parenthood.

“So if Komen’s mission is to find a cure for breast cancer, why are they giving huge sums of money to Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider?” she asks. “According to its Form 990,Komen affiliates gave more than $550,000 to affiliates of Planned Parenthood in 2010. A year earlier, they donated over $731,000. Komen says the grants are used to fund breast exams and mammograms. However, numerous reports confirm that Planned Parenthood doesn’t do mammograms. What Planned Parenthood does do is abortion.”

Tobias says Planned Parenthood bills itself as a legitimate health care provider but it is really an abortion business, citing figures from its own annual reports showing abortion comprises a large percentage of what it does.

“The Planned Parenthood Federation of America has carefully crafted a public image as a protector of women’s health. PPFA is also the largest abortion chain in America. It is fully in the abortion business and its bottom line depends on performing more and more abortions,” Tobias writes. “According to PPFA’s 2008-2009 Annual Report, its affiliates performed 332,278 abortions in 2009 — about 27.4% of all abortions performed in the United States. That’s more than double the number that its affiliates performed in 1990, even as the total number of abortions performed in the U.S. dropped 25% during that period.”

“In fact, 12% of its clients receive abortion services, according to a February 2011 Planned Parenthood factsheet. Therefore, nearly one out of every eight women walking through the door of a Planned Parenthood clinic has an abortion. Of the services Planned Parenthood reported that would have involved pregnant women (abortion, prenatal care, adoption referrals), 97.6% were for abortion,” Tobias continues.

Komen defends its donations to Planned Parenthood by saying they only go for breast screenings (that women can do on their own or with a partner or friend) but Tobias says Komen is helping the abortion business build its customer base by getting women in the door for non-abortion reasons.

“Considering all the money that Planned Parenthood takes in, why in the world would Komen divert money that could be put toward breast cancer research to this abortion behemoth? Federal government grants to PPFA are, by law, not allowed to pay for abortion per se, but the money is certainly used to build infrastructure and promote the organization. Komen, too, says the funds it gives PPFA are not used for abortion, but it helps to bring new clients through the door,” the NRLC president says.

The Right to Life president also says Komen needs to begin educating women about the abortion-breast cancer link.

“Komen’s support of the nation’s largest abortion provider is ironic in that, while Komen works to find a cure for breast cancer, Planned Parenthood is providing a “service” that contributes to the increase of breast cancer. There is a substantial body of evidence to show that getting an abortion increases the risk of breast cancer. Joel Brind, Ph.D., one of the foremost researchers to make the abortion-breast-cancer link, estimates that upwards of 10,000 cases of breast cancer each year are attributable to induced abortion,” Tobias concludes. “Susan G. Komen for the Cure has created the public image of an organization doing good. Unfortunately, when you think Komen, you have to also think Planned Parenthood; and when you think Planned Parenthood, you have to think abortion.”


Side Note:

I have just moved into a new neighborhood.  There is a woman’s clinic down the way that at first glance looked like an all purpose women’s health clinic, but since I walk by there almost daily I quickly realized that it is really an abortion clinic.

Then one day I walked by and there was a new sign:

Abortion Clinic Austin near ESD

To me there was something hauntingly troublesome about the sign. It is a sales pitch offering implied redemption for the women they pray upon.  They have now added a second one.

Abortion Clinic Austin near ESD - 2

Do good women have abortions?  Of course they do. And in large part because of clinics like this and the agenda of planned parenthood.

Everyone who supports clinics like these and is considering an abortion for any reason really needs to do their due dilligence before going through this procedure:

  • Read up on Margaret Sanger, the Founder of Planned Parenthood and her beliefs and goals.
  • Read up and watch a few videos on abortion
  • Check into adoption as an alternative.
  • Really alk to someone who has had an abortion more than 5-years prior.
  • Talk to a member of the clergy even if you are not a church-goer even a believer.
  • Check out eugenics and the proponents therof, (using abortion, selective breeding ideas, vaccines and death panels)

Abortion is a decision that could haunt you the rest of your life.

And whether you want to think about it or not, you are taking a life… the life of your unborn child.

And there is a bigger agenda behind the abortion movement!

*Since the sign was put up a local church has adopted this clinic for 24/7 prayre vigial for 40-days and 40-nights.

Ask Marion~

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