Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The 50 Fattiest Foods in the States

fattiest-foods-statesThe 50 Fattiest Foods in the States

By Sarah Klein

Traditional American fare — just like the American waistline — is looking more than a little pudgy these days.

Even though some states enjoy healthier reputations than others (Yes, Colorado, we mean you), no state is completely guilt-free when it comes to dishes with huge portion sizes, super-high calorie counts, or sky-high fat content.

So if you want to sample some of these regional favorites on your next road trip, your best bet may be to minimize your portion size.

Is eating like this once in awhile okay?… Of course it is!  But eating like this too often is adding to the American obesity epidemic.  And we need to make the right  choices before Big Brother government does it for us!

Check out: Eat This Not That! Restaurant Survival Guide: The No-Diet Weight Loss Solution  and Death by Supermarket

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