Saturday, September 24, 2011

Wisconsin - At Issue: Should fetal tissue be illegal to buy or sell for scientific research?

A weekly feature on proposed changes to state and local law.

In a nutshell

Recently introduced legislation — Assembly Bill 214 and Senate Bill 172 — would make it illegal to buy or sell fetal body parts for use in scientific research. It also would prohibit researchers from using any part of fetuses that were aborted. 

The case for it

The bill has 52 Republican representatives and eight Republican senators signed on as cosponsors. Supporters say it would establish "reasonable standards for human tissue research," as sponsor Rep. Andre Jacque, R-Bellevue, wrote in a State Journal op-ed. He pointed to evidence that UW-Madison researchers used body parts from aborted fetuses in the 1990s and said the bill would prevent that practice from happening again.

He described the bill as representing "basic respect for human dignity and principled research." Anti-abortion rights groups have come out in support of the measure. 

The case against it

UW-Madison officials and some in the high-tech business community oppose the bill, arguing it would set back medical researchers in the state and possibly cost hundreds or thousands of potential high-tech research jobs.

David Ward, interim chancellor of UW-Madison, wrote state lawmakers urging them to oppose the bill, saying it would ban both fetal tissue and cells derived from fetal tissue, such as stem cells, which would hamper research at the university.

To get involved

To contact your lawmaker to oppose or support the bill, use the legislative hotline, which is staffed from 8:15 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. weekdays; call 800-362-9472 or 608-266-9960. To send an email, visit the Legislature's website at, select Senate and follow the link.

Source: Wisconsin State Journal

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